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World Ethno-National Studies
2010 Issue 4
yi shu ren lei xue : yi shu yu yi shu jia de zuo huo
wang ming ming
yu yan yi shi xing tai : yu yan ren lei xue xin pian
na ri bi li ge
jiao yu ren lei xue yan jiu fan shi jie du
zhao xiang yu yang jian xin
mu jie hua ren she hui de xing cheng
chen bing xian
The Politics of Name:The Identification of the Dulong of Northwest Yunnan,China
Stéphane Gros;Zhou Yunshui
The Cross-border Dulong:An Explanation of its Self and Other Names in China and Burma
Yang Jiangling and Li Jinming
Acculturation:Theory,Measurement and Methodology
Yang Baoyan and Wan Minggang
The Evolvement of Modern Society and Ethnic Relation
Lu Xianmin
On the Study of the Kurdish Issue in Turkey
Li Bingzhong
New Changes in Kurdish Issue in Iraq and its Prospect
Tian Zonghui