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Forum of World Economy & Politics
2002 Issue 2
Perspective of Current "De-globalization" Movement
yang zhong qiang
FTA and the Establishment of Free Trade Area in East Asia
zhang zhen
ri ben pai bing hai wai qi shi lu
liu chang min
Lobby Activities of Taiwan in U.S. after the Cold War
liu en dong
Adjustment of DPP's Overseas Chinese Policy
huang kun zhang
Development of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan
fan jun
zhong mei guan xi shi ye zhong de mei guo hua ren
chen wen zuo
Ism of Trade Policy Review in WTO:a Reexamination
tao zhong yuan
A Probe into the Cause of Turmoil in Argentina
sun shui bo
International Trade of Farm Products:the Problem of Boycott
liu guan sheng
Reform of International Financial System
jiang shi xue
An Analysis of Speculation in Stock Market
zhang jin hua ; an tong liang