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World Environment
1988 Issue 1
The Development of Scientific Technology and Environment Problems
Japan Environmental Protection Bureau
Integrated Environmental Management——A Pilot Study of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Timothy M.Barry;Regulatory Integration Division;Office of Policy Analysis;U.S.Environmental Protection Agency.
An Environment Management Education Model
Robert E.Roth
Oil and Natural Gas as Factors in Strategic Policy and Action: A Long-Term View
Erik Solem and Antony F.G.Scanlan;Canadian Department of External Affairs and British Institute of Energy Economics
The Greenhouse Gases
he zuo gong ;
Situation and Policy of Air Pollution in Japan
Japanese Environmental Protection Department
Changes in Atmospheric Ozone and Its Environmental Impact
liu zhi zuo ;
Water Pollution Abatement and Control Technologies for Small and Medium Scale Metal Finishing Industry
M.Okazaki;Director;Environmental Pollution Control Division;Environmental Health Department;Niigata prefectural Government;4-1;Shinko-cho;Niigata-ken;Japan 950
Background to Microbiological Resources centres
qu ze qin ;
Control of Solid Waste Pollution in Sweden
zhang xu hui ;
Art Hazards
Charles Hart;R.S.;Environmental Safety Coordinator;Ohio University Department of Environmental Health and Safety;Hudson Health Center;Athens;OH 45701.
The Low- and Non-Waste Techniques of Iron and Steel Industry in China
Wang Qiongyu;Professor of Xian’ Metallurgical Construction Institute Fu Xianshu;Associate Professor of Xian’ Metallurgical Construction Institute
Industry Experience in the Implementation of Clean Technologies in the Federal Republic of Germany
E.Meller;Head of Environmental Policies Division;Federation of German Industries;Federal Republic of Germany
Pollution Abatement and Control in the Leather Industry
R.L.Sykes;Director D.R.Corning;Manager;Development Department;British Leather Confederation;Leather Trade House;UK.
Lead Found in German Water
tang zuo ;
Burkina Faso Moves to Save Its Forests
zhou yi xi ;
Kenya Protects Rhino
tang zuo ;
Noble laureats to fight disease
Solidifying Oil Spills
Removing S0_x and NO_x from discharges of burning coal
zhang hong lai ;
New microorganism that can perfectly resolve PCB
xu jia ;
Coating materials used to regenerate old pipeline
zhang hong lai ;
The State of the Global Urban Population
chen kun ;
The First Conference on Acid Rain Held in China
shi huan ;
The State of the Nuclear Power
chen kun ;
Water Quality in Japan
wu bo qing ;
Environmental Problems in the Third World Cities
chen kun ;