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World Earthquake Engineering
2000 Issue 3
Dynamic analysis of large aqueducts with soil-structure interaction
WANG Bo;XU Jian-guo
Practical design method of storage tank with hydraulic damper system
YUAN Zhao-qing;LI Hui;WANG Zhen;SUN Jian-gang
Forecasting for the steady state random responses of friction pendulum systems
LI Da-wang;GUAN Gang;ZHAO Zhuo
Influence of inclination of the concealed bracing on the aseismic property of the R.C. shear wall
CAO Wan-lin;LIU Chun-yan;ZHANG Jian-wei;SHI Yi-lei;ZHANG Cong-guo
Characteristics of structural damping of cable-supported bridges with long spans
GUO Zhen-shan;CHEN Ai-rong;XIANG Hai-fan
Theoretical upper bounds of seismic forces of retaining dam
ZHANG Yan-hong;WANG Qian-xin
Study on the parameters of seismic power spectrum model based on the new seismic code
ZHANG Zhi-yong;SUN Bai-tao;SONG Tian-shu
Numerical modeling for seismic origins
DONG Qing-hua
Fast evaluation system for earthquake damage and losses of lifeline engineering
GUO En-dong;FENG Qi-min;GAO Hui-ying;WANG Dong-sheng;JIAO Shuang-jian
Analysis of the earthquake disaster characteristics of ancient building structures
YANG Ya-di;DU Jing-lin;LI Gui-rong
Comparison and analysis of semi-active magnetorheological damping control method
XU Long-he;ZHOU Yun;LI Zhong-xian
Study on economically collapse resistant measurements for brick adobe houses
DING Shi-wen;CHEN Hui-min
Influence of reinforcement ratio of the concealed bracing on the aseismic property of the R.C.shear wall
LIU Chun-yan;CAO Wan-lin;ZHANG Jian-wei;SHI Yi-lei;ZHANG Cong-guo