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Feed Industry
2004 Issue 4
Progress in the study ang applications of segregated early weaning
chen ji hong ; wang mi ; bai hua yi
Study on ratio of energy and protein in turtle feed
zhou gui tan ; wu zun lin ; zeng xu quan ; li gui sheng
Study of rich concetrate micro - element zinc in yeast
sun hui ; wang wei li ; qian ai dong ; lin yan chun
da dou yi dan bai mei yi zhi yin zi jian ce fang fa de yan jiu
yin hong ; cheng zhi bin
Effect of inorganic ions on cellulase activity
nie guo xing ; ming hong ; chen yin he ; zhu cheng liang
Study of characteristic of the bacillus cereus secreting superoxide dismutase
liu yong ; zhang en ping ; gong yue sheng
Study and application of adhesin lactobacillus to epitheliolce cells
you ping ; ma yu long
Adjusting technique and effects of mixed feeds for roughage animal
chen xiao lian ; jia ya hong ; zhao guo zuo
Study on the peptide in diet to influence of output of milk for milk cow
cao zhi jun ; li sheng li ; ding zhi min
Study on the Dietary Optimal CP Level of 6 - to 18 - week - age Gushi Chicks G2 Line
deng xue juan ; kang xiang tao ; sun gui rong ; han rui li ; li guo xi ; wang yan bin ; huang yan qun
Study of appropriate additive level of double low canola seed meal in broiler diet
liu zhen li ; peng jian ; fan hui ying ; tang bin
Headway of study the physiological control of food intake for the animal
zhu jian jin ; le guo wei ; shi yong zuo ; li zhe feng
Progressing and using of feed antimould regent
qi yan xia ; chen yu lin ; zuo xiao li
Study of oganic micro - element to influence of menternal pig
tan hui ze ; feng ding yuan ; shen si jun ; chen ping guang ; lin wei qiang
Prediction of amino acid requirements of landrance × rongchang crossbred piglets
yao yan chu ; liu zuo hua ; song dai jun ; zhong zheng ze ; jiang shan ; huang jian ; ou xiu qiong
Antibody of against adipose cell membranes to adjust property of pig growing
zhang zuo ; hu hong mei ; ge chang rong ; yan da wei ; gao shi zheng
Study and application of flexible control technique in feed industry
tian gong wei ; zhang li ping ; zhang bin ; han zuo
On-line microwave monitoring of moisture in feed process
zhang yong lin ; liu wen sheng