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Shanghai Journal of Biomedical Engineering
2012 Issue 2
Detection of Mycoplasma Urealytium Gene with Test Strip Based on LAMP
Pan Kenv;Zhou Lei;Niu Haiying;Li Xiaoyu;Zhang Yongle;Liu Shourong
A Design of Complex Electrocardiogram- examination- net
Qian Mingli;Xie Haiyuan
The Design of the Multi -raw and Slice Detector of the Spiral CT
Liu Yi;Yan Guixin;Zhuo Yu;Hu Xiaobing
The Analysis of Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Intensive Care Unit in a General Hospital
Lin Shaohua;Luo Feng;Sun Minghong;Chen Guoxia
xin xi dong tai
Evaluation of the Clinical Value of Ultrasonography on Diabetic Nephropathy
Liu Qiuyun;ChengMing
Introduce the Quality Control of Electrolyte Analyzer
Gong Depeng;Xu Jianmei
Maintenance of NIKKISO DBB27 Dialyzer
Wang Lili;Zhang Yinlei;Jiang Youhao
Laser Camera Fuji Film Recognition Error Eemergency Treatment
Shen Huiqiang