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Shanghai Auto
2009 Issue 8
Research of the Problem of Vehicle Deviation
Tang Xiaofeng
Overview of Suspension System K&C Metrics
Cai Zhanglin
The Automotive Adaptive Cruise Control System
wang qing ping ; hao fei ; tian xiao ling ; li zhi gang ; xin chang yu ; li da
Discussion of the Lightweighting and Low-cost Design of the Japanese Vehicle
Lv Qiuhong;Xie Cheng;Yang Hongtao
The Process Audit Tool in Formel Q
Li Xiujun
Road Test Analysis for Interior Noise of Wheel-hub Motor Driven Micro Electric Vehicle
Yu Zengliang;Zhang Lijun;Sun Bei
Research of the System Nonlinear Characteristic in the Road Simulation Test
Mao Jizhuang;Cao Jianyong
Study on the Types of Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Ma Yue