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Shanghai Auto
2008 Issue 2
fei lv bin qi che gong ye qian jing zhan wang
song zuo
"shang nan he zuo " xie yi zi chan chu zhi fang an jie xi
zhang ming sheng
The Influence of the Automotive Braking Performance and Technology to the Traffic Safety
Liu Lihua;Xu Xuejin;Qiao Weigao
New Emission Standard and the OBD System of Light Vehicle in China
Ma Chunyang;Hou Jiankun
Application of SEA to Optimizing the Design of Interior Acoustics
He Yihui;Zhang Xiaonong
Simulation and Analysis of Bus Body Side Crash
wang shou jiang ; ma li ; yao xiao zuo ; zhu pin chang
Research of the Thermal Management System of the Fuel Cell Vehicle
Li Zhengqiu;Jiang Yanqing