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Shanghai Auto
2004 Issue 11
ri chan teana jiao che
yang miao liang
hai wai jiao tong qu wen
li zhong dong
ge xing hua -- wei lai qi che fa zhan de zhu xuan lv
xu qiu ying
xian dai qi che zhuan xiang xi tong de fa zhan qu shi
xiao qing
Application of Porous Aluminum in The Light Wright of Car Doors
zeng shun min ; wang hong yan
Research on The Driving Investigation Based on The Urban Road Traffic
bu zuo ; du ai min ; chen li
Approach to Boost The Efficiency of Automatic Transmission
hu ning ; wu xun cheng ; chen zhi heng ; luo su yun
zhong gao ji jiao che shi chang de jia ge zou shi fen xi
wang wei dong
Research on The Auto Marketing Strategy in The Age of Experience Economy
feng yan fei ; chen zuo
Current Status and Development Trend of China Auto Insurance
chen li hui ; wu li xun
Risk Analysis on The Investment in Auto Sector
cheng feng
Analysis on The Foreign Investment in China Auto Sector under New Situation
gu ping ping ; wang xiao