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Shanghai Auto
2001 Issue 10
mei guo de " zhong guo yue liang "( mei guo man ji zhi wu )
chen xiao fu
Quality Conrtol of The Welding of The Automotive Construction Parts
zhuang ming hui ; chen li
lv cai ling qi che zhi zao ji shu huan ran yi xin
bai mu ; zhou jie
qi che cai liao ying yong fa zhan qu shi
deng ze ying
City/Country Durability Test of The Brake System
dai yong
qi che zu lin pian ai gong kuan
li lin
International Comparison and Reference of The Car Sales Mode
zhao fu qiang ; chen yun
Productivity Analysis of The Automobile Industry in China
luo yun hui ; lin jie
Research on The Execution Proposal for The Automobile Tax in China
liu zuo ; zuo chao mei