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Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
2015 Issue 1
Experimental Study on Ultrasound Computerized Tomography on Liquid-solid Two-phase System
WANH Liecheng;,SU Mingxu;,CAI Xiaoshu;
Customer Clustering and Pattern Identification Approach Based on Vague C-means
HENH XiuIi;,YOU Xingxing;,LV Wenyuan;
Heat Transfer at High Temperature and High Speed Airflow Jet Impinging on Baffle
WANH Jin;,DUAN Wenshan;,ZHAO Kai;,ZHAO Luping;
Heat Storage Performance and Economic Analysis on Heat Pump Air Conditioning
QU Yan;,WANH Fang;,LIU Zhendong;,WANH Hongjie;,ZHANH Zhenya;
Node Centrality on Individual Microblog User Network
YANH Kai;,ZHANH Ning;,SU Shuqing;
Determining the Refrigerant Charging Amount and Experimental Study on CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater
LIU Yefeng;,ZHU HongIiang;,ZHANH Feng;,ZHUO Zhiyang;
Prototype Design and Test of a Rotary Piston Compressor
LEI Rong;,OUYANH Xinping;,HUO Zhen;,CHENH Zheming;
Reflecting and Refracting of Extraordinary Beam in Uniaxial Crystal Thin Film
TANH Xiong;,YAO Lanfang;
Design and Analysis of Rotor Supporting System for Critical Speeds Adjustment
ZHANH Lihua;,ZHANH Lei;,CHEN Weiwei;,LIU QiuIing;
Effect of the Flanging Angle of Jacket on Stress and Fatigue Life
SU Wenxian;,ZHOU Huan;,LIU Leimin;
Frictions Stir Welding Process for 2219 Aluminum Alloy
XIONH Fei;,QIAN Wei;,LIU Hang;
Chosen Path Optiomization for Fixed Shelves in AS/RS
YANH Wei;,LI Cheng;,FU Weiping;,LI XueIian;
Studies on Hot-Pressing Process Using Soy Protein-Based Adhesive for Maple Particleboard
YANH Huang;,LU Jingchang;,YANH Bo;,PANH Yuan;
A New Type of Wind/Solar Hybrid Power Generation Mode
KONH Zhaojie;,HUANH Yuandong;