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Shanghai Research On Education
2002 Issue 8
While Face to Children's Special Behavior
liu bao gen
The Practice of Talkie Homework in Primary School English Class
shen mei li ; zou yan
Study on Word-cluster Research Literacy Teaching
li zuo
On Evaluation Methods for Small-size Class Teaching
zheng li da
On the Inadequacy and Improvement of Cooperative Study
liao cheng lin ; shi bao guo
Brief Introduction on Reflective Study
zheng ju ping
The Disappeared Platform
li hai fen ; bai yun ; ju yu cui ; lin ping
Selected Case Studies of "Learning by Doing"
yang yang ; cao jian hong ; wang zuo ; kang qun ; liu zuo ; zhou hong xia ; yang zi qiong ; lu ying yin ; wu liang ; mao ai na
The Process of Supervise and Control in Moral Education
mu yi xi luo wa ; zhang jiu sheng
The Cost of Dual System in Modern Schools
kang yong jiu
On Teacher's personal Theory
li xiao hong
Science Education "Learning by Doing" in Jingan
xu cheng bo