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Shanghai Finance
2008 Issue 1
"J" Curve effect and Sino-US trade balance
Song Zhaohan;Bu Jianming;Yang Xiaoseng
zhuan gao xu zhi
shang hai jin rong dong tai (2007.12)
lv zuo zuo
The implication of new accounting rules on loan loss provisioning of commercial banks
Wang Jianjun;Yang Kun;Xi Yongchun
Several thoughts on equity financing of modern enterprises
Zhang Xianyou
A study on integrated risk management in commercial banks
Wu Qingxiao;Liu Hailong
A theoretical analysis of monetary policy credibility
Yin Jizhi
Credit rating charge model——mechanism and option
Li Zengfu
Financial asset crisis and FM-IS-LM general equilibrium model
Zhao Yue;Yang Tao