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World Agriculture
2009 Issue 7
Retrospect of the Development of Overseas Bio-fuel and Energy Crops
Yang Shiqi;Yang Zhengli;Liu Guoqiang
Experiences in Developing Recycling Agriculture in Advanced Countries and Their Reference for Us
URP Research Group of China Agricultural Universit
Animal Drug Management Systems in Advanced Countries and Their Experience
Chen Huiping;Wang Yuhong;Wang Yubin
fa guo nong cun jian she dui zhong guo mu qu xin nong cun jian she de qi shi
li dong mei ; zhang wen xiu ; wang fang
yin du nong chan pin shi chang xin xi fa bu yan jiu
li si jing
Modes of Canadian Community Pasture:What Can We Learn?
Zheng Qunying;Ma Zhigang;Zhang Zhiru
yue han ying na si zhong xin de guan li jing yan ji qi shi
zhu zeng yong ; nie feng ying