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2015 Issue 1
The Mourning Apparel System and Social Structure in China
ZHOU Feizhou;Department of Sociology;Peking University;
Ancestor and Chinese Lineage:What the Great Chinese Minds Thought about It
LIN Hu;Institute of History;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
On Social Ground:Fieldwork Experience and Thoughts
YANG Shanhua;SUN Feiyu;Deparment of Sociology;Peking University;
Analyzing the Corrosive and Differential Roles of Social Eating in Political Trust:The Side Effects of Guanxi Capital
CHEN Yunsong;BIAN Yanjie;School of Social and Behavioral Sciences;Nanjing University;School of Humanities and Social Science;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
A Sociological Analysis on the Public Acceptance of GM Crops in China:Based on a Sampling Survey in 6 Cities
HE Guangxi;ZHAO Yandong;ZHANG Wenxia;XUE Pin;Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development;
Education and Perception of Distributive Justice:Based on Structural Explanation and Relative Deprived Theory
LI Yinghui;Institute For Empirical Social Science Research;School of Humanities and Social Science;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Religious Revival in Rural China and the Fate of“Religion”in China
LIANG Yongjia;Department of Sociology;College of Humanities and Development Studies;China Agricultural University;
The Social Construction of Skill Formation:A Sociological Approach to the Modernization of the Apprenticeship in Germany
WANG Xing;Zhou Enlai School of Government;Nankai University;
Prejudice:Its Generation and Reduction:Review of The Nature of Prejudice
GAO Minghua;The School of Law;Harbin University of Commerce;
Richard A.Peterson’s Production of Culture Perspective
LU Wenchao;School of Arts;Southeast Universit;