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Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology
2007 Issue 3
ke ji xin xi
Utilization of GPS on the Protection of Forest Resources
XU Jia-Lin;QIN Bang-cai
Function of Ornamental Jujube Tree in Garden City
duan jin lan ; fu bao chun ; kang hong mei ; pang li qin
Management and Measurement of Forest Resource in Shanxi Province
WANG Di;YANG Qin-xue;GENG Huan-zhong
Practice and Study on Regeneration of Vegetation in Middle Shanxi
SUN Yan-liang
Monitoring and Control of Pine Wood Nemotade
HUANG Ling-rong
Techniques of root sprout regeneration of Populus davidiana
LIU Jian-rong
Soft Wood Cutting of Atriplex canescens
ZHOU Yu-quan
Interpretation of SPOT5 Satellite Remote Sensing Image
RONG Gui-feng
High Yield Cultivation for Ziziphus jujuba
ZHANG Bao-lu
High Yield and Cultivation for Young Tailihong Persimmon
LIU Ming-hui
Key Afforestation Techniques for Wind-sandy Area
Integrated Controls of the Dendrolimus tabulaeformis
KANG Xiao-qiang
Green Control of Diseases and Pests Influencing Garden Plants
LIU Yong-hong
Investigation on Vegetation of Demonstration Base of Forestry Ecology in Shanxi
YANG Guo-hua;YE Ze-chao;LI Jun-jie
Overview on Research Progress of Plants in Low Phosphorus Stress
Tissue Culture of Mozzie buster in Vitro
DUAN Peng-hui
Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Anthurium andraeanum
LIU Cun-ping
A Preliminary Report on Selection of Fine Clone of Catalpa bungei
YUAN Xin-sheng;LI Zhi-qiang;LI Zhi-an;TIAN Xiu-ting;HAN Li-qin
Study on Transplanting of Tissue Culture Shoots of Vaccinium
ZHOU Chang-dong
Structure and Dynamics of Pinus tabulae formis Population on the Southern Slope of Houqiao Mountain
NIU Chang-qing;JIANG Ya-li;CHEN Ting-gui
Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Smerithus planus planus' Antennal Sensillum
ZHU Wei-hua;LIU Wan-jun;ZHANG Jin-tong