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Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology
2006 Issue 4
Summary on Research of Jujube Fruit Shrink Disease
LIU Sui-cun;LIU Xian-qian;GAO Jie;SUN Yong-ming;LI Lian-zhi
Summary for Studies on Exotic Species-Rhus typhina
WANG Hai-feng;ZHAI Ming-pu;MA Chang-ming
Preliminary Study on Population and Quantity Change of Microorganism in the Agroforestry Land on the Loess Plateau
LIAN Mei-xia;LI Yun-ping;GUO Jin-ping;YUAN Gui-sheng
Information Management System of Returning Farmland to Forest Project Based on the MapObjects at the County Level
SHI Hao-nan;YANG Lian-an;JIANG Ying;LIU Bao-jun;WANG Xiao-qing
Biodiversity of Returning Farmland to Forest Area and Its Protect in Pianguan County
WANG Shi-chang;LU Ai-ying;WANG Shi-yu
The Investigation on Night Brids Habit at Manghe Nature Reserve
GUAN Yong-she;ZHANG Qing-xia;TIAN Sui-wei
Present Occurrence and Sustainable Control Strategy of Harmful Forest Pests in Wuzhong
tian gui fang ; ma xue jun ; cao chuan jian ; ma zheng jun
High-yield Cultivation Techniques about Gaixian Plum
CUI Jing-ju
Seedling Raising Techniques of Redleaf Cherry Plum
WANG Gui-lian;SUN Xing-liang
Seedling Raising Techniques and Afforestation of Acer Truncatum
ZHANG Yue-hu
Tree Species Selection of Garden Greenland in Jinzhong City
ZHI Mao-sheng