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Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology
2005 Issue 4
Relationship between Copper and Zinc Element and the Amount of Malondialdehyde in Kernel-apricot
Yang Xiu-qing;Yan Hai-bing;Li Guo-ming
Study on Growth Habit of Cucurbita foetialissma
Li Lin-ying
Raising Seedlings and Planting Techniques of Pinus bungeana
ZHANG Yun-feng
Transplant of Seedling in a Size Honeycomb-shaped Seedling-raising Container
XING Jin-xiang;SHI Min-hua;LIANG Ai-jun
Factors of Walnut Sterility and Control Measures
HAN Hui-juan
Control of PVC Poison Bait Station on Forest Mouse Pest
YANG Li-jia