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Shanxi Architecture
2013 Issue 10
Analysis of long-span flat slab with opening design based on comfort requirements
LIU Zhi-guo;GUO Miao-miao;YAN Dao-gan
Discussion on funnel structure type of storage silo
SUN Jian-bin
Discussion on Beijing excellent new buildings
XIAO Xu;ZHANG Qian;LV Jia-chen;GENG Xu-dong
Discussion on the strength detection method of concrete
DENG Bin;WANG Di;BAI Guang-shan
Analysis on city public space
GAO Yu-bo
Inquiry on the library design of China University of Agriculture
Research on landscape planning at mountainous campus based on place spirit
SUN Jun-qiao;WANG Peng
Exploration on pile foundation design visualization and database expanding research
ZOU Sheng-feng;SHI Lang-jing;LI An-jun;ZHANG Gui-chuan
Assessment on the safety of existing structures affected due to metro excavations
QIU Mei-li;WANG Wei;YANG Cheng-yong
Technology research on secondary bolt-shotcrete support in deep rock roadway
CHEN Can-ting;CHENG Zheng;SONG Xiao-han;XUE Hua-jun
Discussion on the application of drilling technique
Construction technology of karst roadbed renovation
ZHI Hua-long
Numerical simulation on aerodynamic performance of resistance-type fan based on dynamic grid technique
WANG Rui;HAN Xue;ZHANG Hong-fu;XIN Da-bo
Analysis on stratum geological engineering quality of ancient Yangze river in Wuchang
JIN Xin-feng;XU Shui-chao;LIU Xiu-zhen
The difficulties analysis and improvement suggestions of post qualification implement
ZHANG Ming-qiu;HUANG Zhang-you
Debris flow hazard evaluation based on BP neural network
Analysis of slope movement and deformation induced by underground mining
WANG Rui-qing;ZHANG Chun-lei
On exploration for surface subsidence factors of shallow plane areas of Lixia River
NING Dao-chang;CHENG Peng-huan
On management of equipment at field labs
LAN Jing
Analysis the buckling of common 60 rail by applying Ansys
WANG Jin-xi
On priority of construction in program culture
WANG Hui-chun
On design and construction of high and large formworks
SU Wen-can
Analysis on current engineering archives management problems and countermeasures
ZANG Ying-yu;GAO Ying-chun;DONG Xiang-jun
tou gao xu zhi
The leveling optimization design of factory area and station construction ground
ZHONG Shi-lin;HUANG Hong-gu;ZHANG Zhi-rong
Pile foundation construction methods of extra-large railway bridge
PANG Chuan-dong
Analysis on ventilation design of industrial workshops
SHEN Yao-fei
On design for fire alert at meeting center of Pingyao Coal Company
ZHANG Jian-wen
On reuse of recycled water in Jincheng
LAI Xue-qin
Design and construction of deep water steel sheet pile cofferdam
ZHAO Jing-fang
Calculation analysis on light rail simply-supported box girder
CHEN Yan-yan
Finite element analysis on masonry joint rigidity of shield tunnel
WU Lan-ting;LAN Yu;ZENG Dong-yang
On ventilation technique for construction at Chiling tunnel
JIAO Wei-zhong
Discussion on underground engineering flood disaster
The application research on arch bridge reinforcement technology
WANG Yuan-yuan
On construction craft of prefabrication at T beam
HAO Xiao-yong
Impact of thermal insulating layer upon wall insulating effect
YANG Chen;LIAO Shao-kai;ZHUANG Wei-chen;ZHANG Ting-ting;ZHENG Zhi-qian
Discussion on wetland landscape under various regional conditions
ZHAO Qiu-han;HUANG Ying