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Shanxi Architecture
2006 Issue 11
Construction of mass stoneflakes concrete
LI Wei-dong
Construction technology of unbonded prestressed concrete of primary sedimentation pond
WANG Xin-yang;HU Xiao-ping;LI Shao-hua
Cause of early crack of mass concrete and its prevention measures
XIONG Wen-yong
Discussion about commercial mortar and the development trend
HUANG Guo-hui;YAN Han-dong
Factors influencing the strength of concrete
XUE Wen-ping
On testing research of non-vibrated self dense concrete
ZHENG Wen-ying;QI Guo-qing
The importance of strengthening quality tracking of commodity concrete
WANG Bao-xia;GUO Yan-ping
Application of materials in architectural design
WANG Ming-chuan
Analysis and countermeasures on concrete of rock salt anti-erosion
WANG Shi-kao;LIU Jin-cai
Critical strength of permissible concrete early frost and its application
ZHOU Jian-wei;YAN Hai-yan;WANG Hui
Discussion on polyester fiber improving performance of asphalt concrete road
SHEN Yao;ZHENG Jiang;ZHOU Tao-yu
Discussion of polyacrylonitrile fiber concrete and its application in tunnel
WANG Ming-yang;LI Hua-ming
Quality control on construction of lime-fly-ash stabilization soil
QU Zhen-lun;WANG Jian-po
Status quo of heat supply system and household heat metering
GUO Tie-qiao;LI Zeng-zhi
Application of the Formdex construction technology
ZHANG Hong-ai
The causes and prevention measures for crack of mass concrete
ZHANG Xing-chun
Application of guide creeping frame for high-rise building
JIANG Hui-xia
On common preventive measures against concrete block wall joint
WANG Juan;ZHENG Peng-wu
Non-structural cracks formation and prevention in concrete
Mechanical patching of welding seam of steam pipe in oil tank
LIU Zhi-yong
Prevention and treatment of cracks on floor slab
Analysis on means of foundation pit support
ZHAO Cai-shun;RU Xiu-zhen
Discussion on PIT testing of pile foundation for bridges
FENG Chun-fang
Foundation treatment in mountain area
YANG Dong-dong
The cause and treatment method of the slope distortion digging catchments
HUANG Yi-hua;BAN Hai-tao
Engineering application of replacement cushion method
NI Hong-mei
Study on the stability of slope with granitic residual soils
HE Shan-ru;CHEN Shi-long;ZHONG Zhi-fang
The basic pit project monitor and mechanical property of a pumping station
LIN Zhi-fan;LI Zhang-ming
Planning design of residential quarter
LI Xue-ling
Application of crushed stone grouting pile in soft foundation of highway
GAO Qi-yin;MA De-guo;LIU Quan
Research situation of geological hazard
XU Ding-ding
Discussion on design of residential style
Comparison between stud and perfobond strip in composite structure
JIANG Biao;SHAO Hua-ying
Analysis on exhibition buildings in Guangdong
FAN Wen-dong
Introduction to housing design
ZHANG Jing-e
Economic problems in renovation of city
LIU Ji-wu
Practice in zoning planning of Yangquan mine area
QI Bao-chong
Nonlinear problems of reinforced concrete structure
LIU Sheng-yuan
Discussion on twist control of complex high-rise building
GUO Jian-peng
Design and application of castellated beam
LIU Mei-zhen
Anti-knock design for continued high-rise concrete structure
LIU Jiang-tao
On manual-excavation pile
CHEN Li-hui
Summarizes on design of squeezed branch pouring pile
LI Wei;LI Rong
Sinking construction technology of RC precast pile
Quality control of bored caisson pile and its construction management
WENG Shu-xiong;LIU Rui-min
Rebuilding of the Shaoshan north road in Changsha
PENG Hui;XU Ling
Understand on architecture as residential location
WANG Zhuo-wa
Artistic layout of sequence of architectural space
WANG Xiao-hua;WANG Ying
Natural ventilation in design of modern architecture
CAI Li-hong
Environment design analysis of office building NO.35 at Sinan road in Shanghai
TANG Feng-long;CHEN Bing
Planning and design of Greater Khartoum residential district
The application of rail pile in the reinforcement of foundation pile
HU Huan-xiao;JU Jian-xun;YANG Han-chen
Analysis on joining traffic facility problems of track traffic station in Shanghai
WANG Zhi;YE Xia-fei;GUAN Xu-ri