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Shanxi Architecture
2003 Issue 10
Factors influencing the accuracy of budget estimate making
fan lin fang
Matters needing attention in settled account
li jun feng
How to control construction cost
li qin zhu
How to intensify construction project cost management
fu yu hua
Highway engineering variation and claim
zhang tao
Tendering and bidding of complete equipments
chang bao lin
Construction quality control of cement concrete pavement
qi ye hui ; li yan qing
Construction quality management of asphalt pavement
guo chao xiang ; zhang tan
Quality control of highway project
wang zhi hong
On compiling of bid construction management plan
wang ai lian
On qualities of financial manager in modern enterprises
zhou lan
Construction technology of cement concrete pavement
li tie hu
Study on grooving and joint grouting technology of asphalt pavement
wu jian jun ; jie wu quan
Innovating method of bridges
chen shao zhen
On causes of seepage of hot-mixed bitumen pavement
gao rong
Reinforcement methodologies of dangerous bridge
xie yong lu
Discussion on bumping at bridge-head
chang zhang jie
Discussion on issues in existing road improvement work
jiao shu rong
Construction technology for Yanmenguan Tunnel
song yu xin
Present state,investment and maintenance of mountain highway
duan xi zhen
On environmental management of highway works
zhang wei zuo
On the cutting slope diseases in mountain highway
wang zhi yuan
Analysis on rut occurred in asphalt pavement of expressway
hao xiao yan
The influences of radial error on tangential error of gear shaving
zhang qing ; wang hong bo
The conditions and development of Chinese foundry industry
xu peng zhen
Environment pollution and environmental service industry
yin jian hua ; xu ying lin
On bonsai art
qiu chao xia
On urban greening project
wen xue liang
How to realize net-based management of highway
zhang ke qian
Research on automated graphics processing method based on AutoCAD
xu jin liang ; yang hong zhi
Control and prevention of cracks in concrete floor
jin bing
Discussion on manufacturing quality of bolt ball
liu ming liang
Causes and countermeasures of early cracks of pump concrete
tang fu quan
On system reform in enterprises
yang yu bin
The roles of site sign in settled account
fan li jun
Office design and planning
wang guo jie
Discussion on cracks control in cast-in-site concrete floor
wei yue shan
Construction measurement of embedded blots
zhang huai liang
Integrated technologies summary for deep foundation pit construction
pang jun hui ; yue reng ying
Strengthening the red mud foundation by lime pile
yuan hui min ; chai zhi xin ; zhang xi yan
Prevention and control of cracks in parapet
qi zhen qing
Construction method of small machines in cement concrete pavement
zhou chang qing ; chen xiao ping
Highway project management in implementation phase
li kai ; hu jin chuan
Water resources and protection measures in China
yang cheng li ; liu zhi qiang
Various heating schemes with proper measurement charge
li hai dong
Design of integrated distribution system
wang xiao hong
Grounded system in computer room
li xiao bo
Design of indoor lighting
gao xiang
Introduction of fountain work in Taiyuan Drum Tower Square
zhang xiao wei
On suitability of circulating pump and characteristic curve of heat supply network
liu xian wei ; lu hong ren ; wu wen jie
The application of low temperature ground radiation heating
yu xiu mei ; zhang xiao min ; lin yan jie
Measures prolong the sealing life of hollow glass
nan shi ji
General treatment measures for concrete flows
zhao jian guo
Matters needing attention in engineering material test
hao yan hong
Construction of underwater concrete cast-in-site bored pile
liu wen ming
The application of coherence cube technique in faults and collapse pillars interpretation
chang suo liang ; zhang zuo bin ; yang xiao dong
The research of several problems on lime-soil compaction pile composite foundation construction
zhang xi yan ; chai zhi xin ; gao ying jie
Treatment of filled-in foundation
wang chan zhao
Design of steel reinforced concrete frame structure
lu xiao chun
Common quality defects of concrete structure-cracks
jiao pei de
City characteristics and architectural creation
zhang jian hua
On furniture design in drawing room
han wei li
Considerations on construction and development ofsmall towns
shang guan jian long
Analysis on hospital buildings design
li chun zuo
Practical reconstruction and optimum design of balcony
zhang hong xia
Considerations on well-to-do residences design
zuo jun sheng
On residential sanitation design
xue bin
The Changes of residential behavior and living space of house
xu jun ping ; han zuo