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Journal of Shanxi Radio & Tv University
2003 Issue 2
Discussion about the Principle of Ideology Education in the Teaching of China Geography
xue long yi ; zhang ji qian ; li su qing
Obtaining the Maximum by Using "Shapes"
liu wen hai
Producing and Developing of Calculus
qi wei hong ; luo cai ling
"The Calculating Tactics of Analitical Geometry"
fan zhi shun
Heavy Nuclear Fission and Mankind's Sources of Energy
li sheng lian ; xu li ping
The Exchange Usage of Structural Auxiliary Words "de" & "di"
liu xiao yun
Analyze the Philosophy in Yueren's Ci
wang an ping
Analysis of the Training Process of Students' Singing Skills
zhang li xiu
A Tentative Discussion on the Data Distinguishment
zhang hong xing
Qualities about Reading Aloud and Reciting from Memory
wang yu hong
A Tentative Discussion on "Politics Civilization"
sun yu shi
Making a Thorough Research on "Network Study Environment" Suiting the Open Education Students--Talking about the Construction of Network Study Environment
"xue sheng dui yuan cheng kai fang jiao yu jiao yu xue mo shi shi ying xing de yan jiu " ke ti zu
A few Thoughts about the Open-Education of TVU
wang yin sheng ; wang zhong qing
The Times of Science and Art
chen liu
Chinese Education Should Lay Stress the Forming of Good Habit
liu jian gong
Letting Chinese Class Brim Over With Poetic Flavour
wang mei ling
Brief Description of Pleasant Teaching
hao chun tao ; wang li qin
The Importance of Cultural Teaching in College English
su xue mei ; guo xin mei
The Finance Globalization and the Reformation of Our Country Finance System
ma yuan yue ; guo guang zhong
Developing Conditions and Tendency of Eiectronic Business
jia you qin ; zhou chong xin