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Journal of Shaoguan University
2005 Issue 12
Research on Current Situation of Sparing Time Sports Schools of Qingyuan City
CHEN Xian-you;HUANG Li-jian
On the Mathematics Educational Reform and Quality Educational
FANG Shao-mei;HUANG Duan-shan
Thinking About the Tutorial System in Undergraduate Education
ZHENG Bao-yu;HUANG Zhi-gao;CAI Sheng-zhen
Teaching According to Events and National Fitness Program
ZHANG Ai-ping
Discussion on the Causes of Formation and Adjustments About Bad Mentality of Hoopmen
CHEN Shang-ren;CHEN Xian-you
The Exploitation and Research Actuality of Resource of Water - chestnut
JIANG Nong-hui;PENG Shann-shan;ZHONG Yun
Physiological and Biochemical Changes in Different Litchi chinensis Cultivar During Post Harvest
XU Xiao-chun;LIN Chao-peng;CHEN Wei-xin
The Implication of Nitrogen Adjuvant on Sweet Potato Stem Rot Culture
LIN Chang-hua;TANG Shu-mei
Critical Speed Calculation of Machine Tool Spindle System
DING Chang-an;CHANG Jun;LI Gui-hua;ZHANG Gao-ping
The Design of Distributed System Based on Components
ZHENG Li-ping;ZHANG Lian-tang
The Network Virus Precaution System Based on Data Mining
YANG Yu-feng
Assisted Diagnosis for Uterine Myoma Based on NBC
RAO Hao;CHEN Hong-ling
Using AOP to Improve the Software Quality
XML Data Exchange Model Based on ADO
xue ren jie shao
Improvement of Inducing Plant Polyoloid in Experiment
PENG Xiao-yun;ZHANG Ming;XU Dong-zhu
Cloning and Sequence of RAPD Marker Linked to the Bentazon Susceptible Lethality Gene in Rice
PENG Ling;ZHU Bi-feng;LIU Zhu;LIU Ying-ying
Establishment for a Regeneration System from Phaseolus vulgaris cv. "Shuangqing 35"
BAO Ying-hua;BAI Yin;WANG Yu-mei;SU Yan-mei;LUO Jing-dong;YU Hong-yuan
The Study of Duration of Distillation Effecting on Content and Composition of Essential Oil of Fennel
HE Jing-ming;KUANG Hong-shang;XIAO Yan-hui;WANG Yu-mei
Immunity Test of Chicken Pathogenic E. coli Propolis-adjuvant Inactivated Vaccine on Yuebei District
WU Zhi-qiang;YU Wen-tao;CHEN Jian-rong;WU Rong-qiong;LUO Yang-xing;LIU Bing-lin
Experimental Study on Production of Iron Concentrate from Pyrite Cinder
LONG Lai-shou;LIANG Kai;XI Chang-sheng
Network Optimization of Personal Handy - phone System
SUN Gong-xi
The Smallest Control System of Four Step Motor Based on AT89C2051
SU Zu-quan;DENG You-e