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Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University
2011 Issue 3
MDCT after-treatment to assess the hypopharyngeal carcinoma
CAO Han-hai;DING Hai-xia;PENG Hong-juan
biao pi bao tuo xing shi guan yan 2 li
lin hang ; sun hong yu ; wang jin fang
Preliminary study of animal models for laryngeal surgery
XU Hong-ming;DONG Pin;SUN Zhen-feng;WANG Guo-liang;WANG Fei
Radio-frequency ablation in combination with surgery on 47 patients with multiple narrow nasal valve
LIU Ji-yuan;SHE Zhi-qiang;LONG Zeng-yong;LU Ling-juan
Adenoid hypertrophy exsection through nasal cavity under indirect laryngoscopy
L(U) Huai-qing;CHEN Yan-lin;WANG Yong-qiang
Clinical analysis and treatment of recurrent laryngeal cancer
YI Hai-jin;ZHANG Bao-quan;WANG Chun-hong;GUO Hong;NI Fu-qiang
Diagnosis and treatment of allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
SONG Dao-liang;LI Na
man xing shang zuo zuo yan shou shu qian hou zuo mo chao wei jie gou bian hua
sun an ; guo jian lin ; chen hui ying ; wu jian ; gu jun ; zuo jian liang
Auditory changes caused by chromium and antagonistic effects of zinc or selenium
YANG Yan;LI Ning;YU Jiang;ZHANG Ke;WU Shu-tong;GAO Xi-bao
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of cervical neurilemmoma(6 cases report)
ZHU Jiang-cai;CHEN Xin-wei;WANG Fei;WANG Guo-liang;DONG Pin
Extramedullary plasmacytoma in nasosinuses (A report of 12 cases with literature review)
JU Hong-shuang;LI Xin-qin;CAI Xiao-lan
Clinical study of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in Children
SUN Yu-cai;LI Xiao-yu
bi bu pei tai xing heng wen ji rou liu wu zhen bi qian ting nang zhong 1 li fen xi
wei fang fang ; xie ri lin ; zhang ming hua
Application of bipolar coagulation forceps in tonsillectomy under general anaesthesia
SHEN Zhi-hao;LUO Hua-jie;JIN Xiao-jie;CHEN Li;YANG Zhi-gang;ZHANG Yi;LIU Jun;ZHOU Qin-yi
Skin malignancies in the head and neck region(16 cases report)
HAO Kai-fei;TAO Shu-dong;HAN Bing;YAN Zhao-hui
Bio-compatiblity of a new glaucoma drainage implant made of polysulfone
YANG Bo;YUAN Fang-lan
The plasma levels of IL-17 and its significance in chronic rhinosinusitis
HAN Xue-feng;ZHANG Lei;WEI Xiao;LI Xue-zhong
Injury of rabbit lens epithelial cell caused by ultraviolet radiation
YUAN Zhong-fang;MU Guo-ying
Comoarison of auditory brainstem response and auditory steady-state response in normal guinea pigs
YAN Hui-qin;WANG Hai-tao;ZHOU Feng;HANG Li-fen
Analysis of 39 cases of microlaryngoscopic surgery for vocal cord leukoplakia
WU Guang-can;GU Neng-rong