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Journal of Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology
2003 Issue 1
xue xi guan che shi liu da jing shen shen hua gan bu ren shi zhi du gai ge
hou rong zeng ; yao xin
The Keystones in Implementing Sustainable Development in China
liu zhong ying ; zhou xi jiang
Discussing Agriculture One Year After WTO Entrance
Ren Jinxiu
lv xing she jing ying chuang xin chu tan
xiao shu qing
dui qi ye ye wu wai bao de zai ren shi
chen hai yan
chuang ye zhe suo xu de te shu si wei yu te shu su zhi chu tan
xi xiao lin ; guo qi jin
guan yu guan li chuang xin de xi tong si kao
liu xiu rong
Measure Research on Promoting Multi - investors
Li Xiang;Li Chuanming
cheng xin wei ji yu hui ji xin xi shi zhen
leng xiao zuo
li yong excel jin xing cai wu yu ce
zhao yan
bao xian gong si shang shi re zhong de leng si kao
shen peng
Non- intellect Factors and Interactive English Listening Teaching
Li Meisong;Li Manli
gao xiao xiao bao ban mian she ji zhong fen lan de tan tao
zhang de zhong