Dam-break Modeling in Alpine Valleys
Marco PILOTTI;Andrea MARANZONI;Luca MILANESI;Massimo TOMIROTTI;Giulia VALERIO;DICATAM;Università degli Studi di Brescia;Via Branze 43;25123 - Brescia;Italy;DICATe A;Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A;43124 - Parma;Italy;
Combined Impacts of Antecedent Earthquakes and Droughts on Disastrous Debris Flows
CHEN Ning-sheng;LU Yang;ZHOU Hai-bo;DENG Ming-feng;Han Da-wei;Key Laboratory of Mountain Hazards and Surface Processes;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute;Sichuan Provincial Transport Department Highway Planning;Survey;Design and Research Institute;Department of Civil Engineering;University of Bristol;
Estimation of the Land Surface Emissivity in the Hinterland of Taklimakan Desert
LIU Yong-qiang;Ali MAMTIMIN;HUO Wen;YANG Xing-hua;LIU Xin-chun;MENG Xian-yong;HE Qing;College of Resource & Environmental Sciences;Xinjiang University;Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology;Key Laboratory of City Intellectualizing and Environment Modeling;Xinjiang University;Institute of Desert Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration;Desert Atmosphere & Environment Observation Experiment Station of Taklimakan;
The Altitudinal Belts of Subalpine Virgin Forest on Mt.Gongga Simulated by a Succession Model
CHENG Gen-wei;SUN Jian;SHA Yu-kun;FAN Ji-hui;Key Laboratory of Mountain Surface Process and Ecological Regulation;Institute of Mountain Hazard and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Synthesis Research Centre of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modelling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Effects of Heat Softening on Initiation of Landslides
XIONG Chuan-xiang;LU Xiao-bing;HUANG Wei-da;WANG Cheng-hua;School of Environment and Resources;Fuzhou University;Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing of Soil Erosion and Disaster Protection;Institute of Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Fujian Academy of Building Research;Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Herbage Production and Species Richness in Sub-alpine Grasslands of Different Soil Parent Material in Northern Greece
MPOKOS J.Panagiotis;YIAKOULAKI D.Maria;PAPAZAFEIRIOU Z.Agapi;SGARDELIS Stefanos;ALIFRAGIS Dimitrios;PAPANIKOLAOU Konstantinos;Department of Animal Production;Faculty of Agriculture;Aristotle University of Thessaloniki;54124;Thessaloniki;Greece;Department of Range Science;Faculty of Forestry & Natural Environment;AUTH 54124;Greece;Department of Plant Production;Laboratory of Soil Science;TEITH 57400;Greece;Department of Ecology;School of Biology;AUTH 54124;Greece;Lab. of Forest Soil Science;Faculty of Forestry & Natural Environment;AUTH 55134;Greece;