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Time Architecture
2008 Issue 6
ZHI Wen-jun
Design Market vs.Building Price under Financial Crisis
LI Wu-ying;WU Wei;YUE Zhi-tie
LI Xiangning
Wuxi Sunshine-100 Club Designed by John Denton
ZHANG Mei-ying
Stadium of Shanghai Jiaotong University Minhang Campus
WANG Xue-lian
Ambiguity The Third of Eight Chapters on Perfection
DONG Yu-gan
Architectural Representation beyond Perspectivism
Alberto PREZ-GMEZ;Louise PELLETIER;WU Hong-de;WANG Fei
Yaluntzangpu Boat Terminal by standardarchitecture
HOU Zheng-hua;ZHANG Ke;ZHANG Hong
Changmeng Care Center's Dining Hall,Beijing
Urban Tulou
liu xiao du ; meng yan
Spatial Perplexity
DONG Yu-gan
The Experience of Place in Architectural Space
ZHENG Shi-ling
Presence and Absence: Meditation on Things
LI Kai-sheng
Space,Time and Memory
SHEN Ke-ning