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Tunnel Construction
2015 Issue 2
State-of-art and Prospect of Tunnels and Underground Works in China
HONG Kairong;China Railway Tunnel Group Co.;Ltd.;State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology;
Computational Analysis on Longitudinal Equivalent Stiffness of Shield Tunnel with Straight Joints Considering Convergence Deformation
LI Chengqiang;GUO Bing;LI Mingyu;WANG Zhiliang;Traffic Branch;China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co.;Ltd.;Henan East Dragon Holdings Co.;Ltd.;School of Civil Engineering;Zhengzhou University;School of Civil Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
Case Study on Rules of Deformation Caused by Construction of Overlapping Shield Tunnels of Xi’an Metro
TANG Mingming;LIU Miao;Beijing Agiletech Engineering Consultant Co.;Ltd.;
Forward Simulation for Identification of Tunnel Lining Layer Characteristics Based on Detecting by Air-Coupled Ground Penetrating Radar
ZHANG Fan;ZHANG Li;LIAO Hongjian;ZHU Juntao;Department of Civil Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Scientific and Technological Research Institute;Xi’an Railway Administration;
Numerical Analysis on Railway Subgrade Settlement Induced by Shield Tunneling
HUANG Wenjun;ZHENG Mingxin;OU Yanglin;ZOU Wenliang;CHEN Yangqiang;Institute of Bridge & Road and Geotechnical Engineering;East China Jiaotong University;China Southwest Geotechnical Investigation & Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;Fujian Local Railway Co.;Ltd. of Nanchang Railway Bureau;CCECC Fuzhou Survey and Design Institute Co.;Ltd.;
Displacement Monitoring and Analysis Platform for Highway Tunnel Surrounding Rock Based on Internet Technology
JIANG Xichen;MENG Lubo;LI Tianbin;LIU Jiamin;State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu University of Technology;Sichuan Tibet Highway Co.;Ltd.;
Analysis on Settlement of Bridge Caused by Side Crossing of Shield: Case Study on Shield Tunneling of Phase 2 of Changping Line of Beijing Metro
LI Wangwang;WEI Honghu;College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;
Design and Construction of Shield-bored Metro Tunnels in Hard-soft Heterogeneous Ground
ZHU Honghai;China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.;Ltd.;
Discussion and Prospects on TBM Pilot-heading and Enlarging Method
WANG Lichuan;CHEN Haiyong;WANG Zhanjun;XU Runze;PAN Jianping;CHEN Hongyu;Chengdu Railway Bureau;School of Civil Engineering;Central South University;Beijing Construction Co.;Ltd. of China Railway Tunnel Group;Luoyang Mining Machinery Engineering Design Institute;CITIC Co.;Ltd.;The 2nd Engineering Co.;Ltd. of China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group;Sannan Department of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co.;Ltd.;The First Engineering Co.;Ltd. of China Railway Tunnel Group;
Comparison and Contrast between Metal Expansive Agent Blasting and Explosive Blasting: Case Study on Excavation of a Ventilation Shaft in Urban Area
LI Lin;WANG Hailiang;ZHOU Yi;ZHANG Zuyuan;State Key Laboratory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Study on Micro-vibration Blasting Parameters of Large-diameter Empty-hole Parallel Cut
ZHANG Zuyuan;WANG Hailiang;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base for Mining Disaster Prevention and Control;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Control Technologies for Up-floating of Segment Rings of Shield-bored Tunnel in Full-face Hard-rock Ground
YANG Yandong;CHEN Kui;LI Fengyuan;ZHOU Jianjun;State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology;
Saturated Hyperbaric Operation under Compressed Air: Case Study on Construction of Weisanlu River-crossing Tunnel by Large-diameter Slurry Shield
YAO Zhanhu;CHEN Fangwei;CHEN Yu;CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co.;Ltd.;CCCC Investment Company Ltd.;
Shield Type Selection and Key Parameter Calculation:Case Study on Shield Machine for South Railway Station-Shenxianshu Station Section on Line 7 of Chengdu Metro
WU Hebei;GUAN Huisheng;ZHANG Yu;College of Mechanical Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;