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Shandong Economy
2004 Issue 6
On the Development of Skilled Human Capital
li wen wu
dang qian wo guo qi che gong ye fa zhan zhong xu zhu yi de ji ge wen ti
wang zuo ning ; wang zhong yu
The Impacts of the Foreign Direct Investments to the Salary Level in China
chen li min ; xie huai zhu
A New Model for Economic Research--A Modest Proposal for the Calculating Economics Based on Agent
mi chuan min ; liu si feng ; jiang ke shen
shan dong min ying qi ye " zou chu qu " zhan lue mian lin wen ti ji dui ce fen xi
shi ying ; yuan qi gang ; zhang li zuo
jing ji gong zuo zhe de liang shi yi you
pang shi yi
The Mode of Lean Production and the Control of Cost
hu yuan mu
A Brief Talk on the NCD System for Actuaries in Car Insurance
zhao xia ; li xue fang
dui xin xing shi xia wai zi bing gou de shen du jie xi
cui yun quan ; qiao fang liang
lun he xin jing zheng li
zuo xiao dong
The Emerge,Constitution and Natures of Brand Economy--An Intension Type Definition
feng lei yin ; qian tian fang
zhong xiao qi ye ji qun hua dui chan ye guo ji jing zheng li de ying xiang
xing xiao bing ; xu jie xiang
wo guo zhong xiao qi ye rong zi tu jing tan xi
zhang yun feng ; zhang ying jun
qian lun xian dai qi ye zhi du xia da zhong xing qi ye de tong ji gong zuo
zhao rui chi ; chai shu hua
An Approach to the CI Strategy Carried Out in the Rural Commercial Banks
wang jin jun ; fan zhi jun ; lin sheng
On the Construction of the Value Added Internal Audit
wang han min
An Economic Analysis of the Accounting Morality
chen zuo jiang
A Brief Talk on Accounting Risks and the Precautions
tang shu jun
qian yi qi ye hui ji dian suan hua xi tong de nei bu kong zhi
wang yun quan ; hao zuo
zhong guo lv se nong chan pin jia ge ding wei tan xi
zhang xiu fang ; cui wei jie