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Journal of Jinan University(Science and Technology)
2016 Issue 2
Fabrication of periodically-polled waveguide and mechanisms of ferroelectric domain inversion
WANG Liangling;CUI Xiaojun;School of Physics and Technology;University of Jinan;
Progress in 3D numerical mode-matching method of electrical logging
DUN Yueqin;HE Fei;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;China Petroleum Logging CO.LTD;
A survey of internet traffic identification
PENG Lizhi;School of Information Science and Engineering;University of Jinan;
Research advances on the decoding of visual information in fMRI
SONG Sutao;ZHANG Jiacai;CHEN Gongxiang;School of Education and Psychology;University of Jinan;School of Information Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;
Adaptive interpolation of remote sensing imagery based on rational function model
NING Yang;ZHANG Yunfeng;HE Jun;YAO Xunxiang;Department of Computer Science and Technology;Digital Media Technology Key Lab of Shandong Province;Shandong University of Finance and Economics;
Characteristic properties of R0-algebra on interval set and its simplified representation theorem
QIAO Ximin;College of Mathematics and Computer Application;Shangluo University;
Design and implementation of grating laser warning system based on TMS320DM642
CAI Puzhao;WANG Zhibin;CAO Junqing;HAN Feng;Engineering Technology Research Center of Shanxi Province for Optical-Electronic Information and Instrument;North University of China;Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education;North University of China;
Intrusion detection feature selection based on adaptive frog leaping algorithm
PENG Ping;SUN Lixin;WANG Tiezhu;LI Hengjian;Public Education Department;Hebei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Hebei Province;Information Technology Center;Hebei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;School of Information Science and Engineering;University of Jinan;
A dynamic monitoring system of urban atmospheric environment based on ZigBee and GIS technologies
WANG Suzhen;JIN Fengxiang;ZHANG Dehua;WEN Jiqing;Automation Engineering College;Qingdao Technological University;College of Geomatics;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Path planning guided by semantic information
LIU Wenjie;LIU Hong;CHEN Li;School of Information Science and Engineering;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory for Distributed Computer Software Novel Technology;Shandong Normal University;
Plasmon excitation in graphene quantum dots connected by carbon atomic chains
YIN Haifeng;ZENG Chunhua;YUE Li;College of Physics and Electronic Engineering;Kaili University;School of Mathematical Sciences;Kaili University;
LPV predictive control for the load of cement mill
DAI Taotao;ZHANG Qiang;SHEN Tao;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;
Design and experiment of flexible compound biomimetic caudal fins
GUAN Yuanlin;LI Huafeng;ZHANG Benfeng;YANG Xixin;State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Software Technical College;Qingdao University;