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Journal of Jinan University(Science and Technology)
2015 Issue 2
Application of fuzzy/bang-bang dual-mode control in combined grinding systems
ZHENG Jianjun;ZHANG Qiang;SHEN Tao;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;
The method of quality control of cement raw materials based on typical operating conditions
WAN Xin;YU Hongliang;WANG Xiaohong;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;
Data fusion research on cement preheating outlet gas temperature
LI Xiaoming;WANG Xiaohong;YAO Chuanbo;YU Hongliang;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;Ji Cheng Electronic Systems Lab Co.;Ltd;
Fuzzy PID control to cement vertical roller mill based on bang-bang
ZHANG Xianlei;YUAN Zhugang;ZHANG Qiang;School of Electrical Engineering;University of Jinan;
Trusted bootstrap based on PXA microprocessor
QIN Kunwen;CHEN Zhenxiang;SUN Tao;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Based Intelligent Computing;University of Jinan;
Incentive mechanisms on staff in multi-area student-origin credit loan management
DING Libo;WAN Shengcai;XIE Naiming;LI Bangyi;College of Economics and Management;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Department of Student Affairs;University of Jinan;
Design of data acquisition system based on SRAM ping-pong operation
LI Rui;LI Xiao;WANG Zhibin;WANG Guoliang;Engineering Technology Research Center of Shanxi Province for Opto-electronic Information and Instrument;The North University of China;Computer and Control Engineering;The North University of China;Information and Communication Engineering;The North University of China;
Observer design for control system with uncertain state and input delay
LI Bin;LONG Fei;Institute of Intelligent Information Processing;College of Electron and Information;Guizhou University;Faculty of Information Engineering;Guizhou Institute of Technology;
UAV integrated navigation system under GPS failure
LIU Ming;Key Laboratory of Aviation Information Technology in Universities of Shandong;Flying College;Binzhou University;
Measurement of resonant frequency of ZnSe crystal in photo-elastic modulator
ZHANG Yuhan;WANG Zhibin;ZHANG Rui;LI Yongshuai;LI Kewu;Engineering Technology Research Center for Opto-Electronic Information and Instrument;North University of China;Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science and Dynamic Measurement;North University of China;
Frequency-to-voltage conversion for nonlinear optical path difference interferogram in photoelastic modulator
ZHANG Yalin;LI Xiao;WANG Zhibin;WANG Guoliang;Engineering Technology Research Center of Shanxi Province for Optical-Electronic Information and Instrument;North University of China;Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education;North University of China;
Design of rear-imaging system for AOTF spectral imaging instruments
LI Yongshuai;WANG Zhibin;CHEN Youhua;XUE Rui;ZHANG Yuyan;WANG Lifu;Engineering Technology Research Center of Shanxi Province for Optical-Electronic Information and Instrument;North University of China;Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education;North University of China;
Design and simulation of high-voltage oscillation current generator for superconductor experiment
LIU Wei;ZHU Jiahui;WEI Bin;LI Zhenming;QIU Ming;XIA Linglong;ZHANG Ming;Institute of Electrical and New Materials;Electrical and New China Electric Power Research Institute;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;Huazhong University of Science and Techbnology;
The inverse problems of symmetric and skew-anti-symmetric tridiagonal matrices
YI Fuxia;WANG Jinlin;YUAN Daming;Department of Basic Courses;Science College of Nanchang Hang Kong University;School of Mathematics and Information Science;Nanchang Hang Kong University;