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Shandong Chemical Industry
2014 Issue 3
Synthesis and Antifungal Activities in Vitro of New Thiochromanone Compounds
LIU Xiu-feng;,LU Qie-nan;,WANG Li-juan;,YANG Geng-liang;
Synthesis of γ-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane
CHI Sheng-xian;,JIN Lian-tie;,WANG Guang-kun;
The Study on Decreasing the Viscosity of Cationic Polymerization
KANG Hong-xin;,WANG Bao-liang;,WANG Kun;,WANG Zhao-jun;
Oxygen Mass Transfer Behaviors of the Aerating Process in Inner-loop Aerobic Biological Fluidized Bed Reactor
HU Kun;,HUANG Wei-xing;,NIU Kai-yuan;,YU Meng-li;
Phosphonyl Polymaleic Acid-Acrylic Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor of Synthesis and Properties
DU Wen;,JIN Ming-huang;,LI Ke-hua;,ZHAO Lei;
Research on Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Synthesis Process
QIAO Wen-long;,ZHOU Sheng-ting;
The Complexion of Methyl Tin Mercaptide and Barium Stearate Improve the Thermal Stability of Poly(vinyl Chloride)
CHEN Ying;,FENG Wen-quan;,LIU Wei-long;,LU Yi-heng;,MA Shuang-chun;
Detection and Control of Impurities in Esomeprazole Sodium for Injection
FANG Ming-chun;,HU Xiao-lan;,QIN Xu-feng;,WANG Kai-ying;
The Development of the New Type of High Purity Chlorine Dioxide Generator
Dong Yan;,FU Shi-sheng;,LI Zhao-long;,WANG Yong-fang;,XUE Ping-zheng;,ZHANG Da-yu;
Formula Design for Strippable Semi-conductive Insulation Shields Using Together with CPE/EVM
GAN Yuan-mao;,KANG Chun-mei;,WANG Hao;,ZHANG Hu;
Progress in Studies of Biodegradable Poly(glycolic acid) and Its Copolymers
DONG Fang-fang;,HOU Zhao-sheng;,QU Wen-qiang;,SUN Bin;,XIA Wen-long;
Introduction of the Detection Method of Trace Dermatan Sulfate in Heparin
HOU Yong;,YE Da-bin;,ZHU Wu-biao;,Zimei Chen;
The Synthesis Study of Caffeic Acid
XIN Zhi-guo;,ZHANG Lan-xiang;
Production Status and Development Tendency of 1,4-Butanediol
YU Cheng-tao;
Progress in Thermal Decomposition of Carboxylate Complex
XIAO Zuo-an;,ZHAN Dan;
The Re-generable Absorbents of Flue Gas Desulfurization Technology
JIN Lei;,WU Tao;
zai yong run hua you you ye jian ce fen xi ji shu xian zhuang he zhan wang
li mao hua ;, li xiao fei ;, liu jing dong ;, yang bo ;
Review on the Synthesis Technology of Pendimethalin
LEI Jin-hai;,XIONG Bang-fu;,ZHANG Jie-long;,ZHANG Wan-chang;
1, 4-Butanediol Maleic Anhydride Method of New Progress
CHEN Wei;,LUO Xian-wen;,XUE Yan-heng;
er yang hua tan ji su liao jiang jie xing neng de gai jin yan jiu
hu jie ;, li dong feng ;, zuo hong xia ;
Common Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables
TONG Pei-jian;,WANG Guang-you;
Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water by Gas Chromatography
JIA Jia;,XING Yan;,ZHANG Hui-qiang;
Determination of Arsenic and Mercury in Marine Sediment by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry with Hydride Generation
CAI Jing-bo;,CHEN Xing-xing;,HUANG Zhen-hua;,PAN Ji-cun;,WU Yue;,ZHOU Chao-sheng;
Test Method for Bromide Ion in Liquid Waste Containing Bromine
LI Guang-yi;,LV Hui-xia;,MA Xi-zhong;,SUN Peng;,YU Li-juan;
Reform of Catalytic Dry Gas Feed System in Ethylbenzene Unit
ZHU Yong;
Research of Extended Reach Well in Bijialing
GUO Xiu-cheng;
yi lang ya da you tian f23 jing zuan jing ye ji shu
hao ze jun ;
xun huan shui qing xi yu mo zhong chu yang de ying yong
liu guo tian ;
jin zhou 9-3 tuo you li qing diao he sheng chan dao lu li qing
qin yi ming ;, tian yi bin ;, xue hong jian ;, zhu yu long ;
jing liu fang fa fen li yi chun he shui de yan jiu
jiang li yan ;, yang jian qing ;
Selection and Application of SEC-butyl Acetate Production
LI Da;,WANG Yan-li;,ZHANG Xiao-hui;,ZHOU San-ping;
The Mechanisms of Collapse Prevention and In-situ Application of the Polymer Drilling Fluid
GUO Xiu-cheng;,YANG Yong;,ZENG Xiao-fang;,ZHANG Jian-feng;,ZHEN Peng-peng;
Application of Separation Membrane in Oil Gas
LI Shao-peng;,ZHOU Xin;
Rationality Analysis of DME as an Alternative Fuel
HAN Zhi-xue;
gao su beng de zhen dong gu zhang fen xi yu jie jue cuo shi
wang hua jian ;, wu shao ping ;
jpp fan ying qi fei qu dong duan wei xiu zong jie
zhang tun ;
Fault Cause Analysis and Treatment of Recycle Gas Compressor
JIANG hai-yang;,WEI Lin-cheng;
ying xiang mi hua fan ying yin su de tan tao
liu ji quan ;, zhao shi zhu ;
The Research and Application of Pressure Gauge with Pressure Relief Valve
LI Jing-zi;,WANG Yan-li;,YANG Chong;
di wen jia chun xi re zai sheng xi tong de you hua tan tao
wang yan tao ;
Design of IFV Performance Testing Equipment at Low Temperature
GUAN Xi-long;,HE Tong-qiang;,MA Ji-hong;,ZHU Yan-yan;
Design Optimization of HTRI Vertical Thermosiphon Reboiler
ZHENG Zhi-gang;
Discussion on the Matter and Crystallization Water Delivery Problems
LU Hai-yan;,SUN Yu-jie;,ZHANG Zhi-liang;
Study on Energy Saving Potentiality of Continuous Catalytic Reforming
GONG Yan;,GUO Yan;,LIU Wei-kang;,WANG Hong-li;
Rational Utilization of the Waste Heat of the Liquid Wax
LU Hai-yan;,SUN Yu-jie;,ZHANG Zhi-liang;
Analysis of A New Type of Paraxylene Tank Cars Heating Energy Consumption
CHENG Hong-juan;,DING Yun;,JI Guang-fan;,LV Xue-tao;,XIE Xiao-ling;,YANG Qing;
Improvement of the Catalyst Recovery Process for Production of Acesulfame Potassium
BAO Zhong-xiang;,CHEN Ying;,SONG Wei-li;,SUN Guo-qing;,YU En-kui;
zheng qi jie neng xu re qi de yan jiu yu ying yong
qian lin xia ;, shi zuo ;, sun xu yun ;, tian yu feng ;
Low Cost in Waste Gas Treatment of Oil Storage and Transportation Project
LIU Yan;,QIN Xiao-gang;,ZHANG Guang-yu;
Application of Problem Based Learning in "Principles of Food Engineering" Teaching
CHANG Hai-jun;,TANG Chun-hong;,ZHOU Wen-bin;,ZHU Jian-fei;
Considerations About the Textbook Construction of Basic Experiments in Application-oriented Universities
HU Lei;,LIU Dan-dan;,NIE Li;,YAN Zheng-quan;
Reform Exploration on Classroom Teaching of Physical Chemistry Based on Students' Multi-qualified Ability
HU Rong-gang;,LIAO Jing-jing;,LUO Xu-qiang;,ZENG Jia;,ZENG Yan-fei;,ZHANG Gui-ling;
The Exploration and Practice of Diversified Mode in Chemical Experimental Teaching
HUANG Wei;,LIU Shu-yin;,LIU Xue-jing;,QIU Na;,WANG Feng;
Physical Chemistry and the Applying Examples in Producing and Living
CAI Bang-hong;,LI Wen-chao;,LIU Ru;,LIU Yan;
di fang gao zhi yuan xiao hua gong zhuan ye jiao xue tuan dui jian she tan suo yu shi jian
he ai jiang ;, liu li xiu ;, shen hong ;, yu hui ling ;
Nitric Acid Oxidation System Risk and Safety Precautions
FAN Hong-jun;
Simulation Analysis of Major Accident in a Coking Enterprise
GOU Rui-jun;,XU Jie;,ZHANG Shu-hai;
Process of Urbanization and Its Environmental Impact
CHENG Wen-na;,FAN Fan;,ZHANG Qiong;
qian xi pei yang ji mo ni shi yan de fang an she ji yu wu jun sheng chan gong yi guan li
jin san zhong ;, shi zheng guo ;, wang zheng hui ;, yang xiao fang ;, zhang ji qing ;
zheng gao fan wei