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Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Science)
2004 Issue 3
Conjuncte Gradient and Its Algorithm Solution
zhao hai jun ; cui meng tian
Regeneralization of Generalized Vandermonde Determinant
qiu jian xia ; wu kang
Note of the Van der Corput Inequality
ma chang wei
Rediscussion on the Issues of Classifying Flood Grades
xu wu cheng
Effect of Polymer on the Measurement of Silicon and Aluminum
pu hua ying ; chen yuan dong
Novel Determination Method to Trace Iron
shan gui yun ; cheng ding hai ; yang xiu pei
On Inheritance and Innovation of Historical Context of Liubeichi Park
cai jun ; chen qi bing ; pan yuan zhi
Transformation of Swainsona Salsula with A4 Agrotumefaciens Rhizogenes and Plant Regeneration
yang jun ; peng zheng song ; wang zu xiu ; xia ling
Study on the Micro-Habitat in Plant Community
liao yong mei ; tian mao jie ; song hui xing
Resovling Topolgy Network Programming Problem by the Research of Excel
liu zheng long ; luo yu jun ; zeng ai guo ; wang jing
Combined Prediction Approach of Multivariate Auto-Regressive and Exponential Smoothing and It's Applitication
wei gui wu ; yao heng shen ; liu zheng long
Marketing Statistics of Factory Making Wine Based on OLAP Database
yu zhi bing ; li ming dong
Computation for the Family of Arcwise Tangent Disks
liu yan mei
Divide and Conquer Algorithm on the Calendar Problems of the Round Robin
cheng guo zhong
Financial Analysis of Forecasting and Warning System for Quoted Company in China
feng chang huan ; zhang shi lu ; chen yu mei
Virtual Instrument of Difference in Temperature Measuring in Chemistry Based on LabVIEW
liu zhao rong ; li jiang yuan ; cai zuo chang ; tang zi long
Integrate MATLAB with VB to Equalize Chemical Equation
fu xiao jin ; zhang yun tao ; zhu bin
Study on the Ecological Benefits of Four Kinds of Vertical Plant in Chengdu
liu guang li ; chen qi bing
Study on Reproductive Allocation of Biomass in Lophatherum Gracile Brongn
song hui xing ; su zhi xian ; liao yong mei
Discussion About Musk-Deer's Classification
zhang jing qi ; zhou you bing ; xu wei xia ; hu jin chu ; liao wen bo