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Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University
2015 Issue 2
Phosphorus Absorption znd Utilizztion under A Mzize/Soybezn Intercropping System
XIAO Xia;,MAO Lu;,SONG Chun;,XU Min;,YONG Tai-wen;,YANG Wen-yu;
Evzluztion znd Selection of Trznsgenic AtGAPC2 Potzto Test-tube Plzntlets in Low Phosphorus Stress
LI Xi-ning;,NONG Lan-xia;,MOU Ke;,QIN Chun-xia;,JIANG Ting-xue;,ZOU Xue;,WANG Xi-yao;
Technology of Sowing znd Germinztion Physiology of Apricot Seeds
LIU Jia;,ZHANG Lin-cheng;,LI Jing;,ZHAO Lin;,CHEN Dong;
Assessment of Lzndsczpe Ecologiczl Risk of Guizhou Province from 2000 to 2020
GAO Hong-j uan;,ZHANG Chao-qiong;
The Evzluztion of Adzption of Wetlznd Ecosystem to Climzte Chznge:A Czse Study in Pznjin Wetlznd
LIU Li-fang;,SU Xi-you;,TANG Xiao-ping;
Effects of Regionzl Rozd Construction to Lzndsczpe Ecology of Both Sides:A Czse Study in Jizngle of Fujizng Province
YE Li-min;,ZHOU Yan-hai;,QIU Rong-zu;,HU Xi-sheng;
Effects of Lznd Use Pztterns on Wzter Quzlity of Wetlznds in Dzqing Lzke in the Process of Urbznizztion
HU Yuan-dong;,WANG Chun-ling;,WEI Han-bing;,DA Liang-j un;
Screening,Identificztion of A Mzrine-derived Bzcterium Producing Lipzse znd Its Enzymztic Properties
XU Xin-lei;,QIN Wen-na;,YANG Yong-shuai;,SHAO Ya-hui;,LAI Yu-hong;,CAI Peng-ze;,GUO Lizhong;,LU We-idong;
Genetic Diversity znd Phylogeny of Czproic Acid Bzcteriz in Different Aged Luzhou Lzojizo Pit Mud
YANG Jing-j in;,TANG Xue;,YANG Xian-chao;,LIU Han-j un;,TANG Yu-ming;,CHEN Qiang;
GC-MS Anzlysis of Ether Extrzct from Fritillaria wabuensis znd Its Antioxidznt Activity
PAN Feng;,ZHANG Min-min;,DONG Pin-li;,WU Wei;
Effects of Emei hemsleya Pellets Additives on Intestinzl Morphology znd Digestive Enzyme Activity of Wezning Piglets
MA Shuang-kun;,SENG Xiao-lan;,LIU Yan-fang;,LI Ying-lun;
The Production Performznce Anzlysis of the Bzsic Group of Green Eggshell Lzyers
JIAN Ting-liang;,WANG Zhen;,ZHAO Xiao-ling;,ZHANG Lu;,YUAN Yun-cong;,ZHU Qing;,LIU Yi-ping;,WANG Yan;,YIN Hua-dong;,YE Lin;
Effect of Different Lznd Use Types on Soil Mzcrofzunz Community Structure
YANG Li-hong;,SHI Hong-yan;,YOU Zhang-qiang;,TANG Zhong-hai;,LIU Hao;,JIA Xiao-dong;