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Fisheries Science
2013 Issue 10
‘Juvenile Sea Cucumber-Sponge-Macroalage’ Recirculating Aquaculture Technology
FU Wantao;ZHANG Julin;CAO Shuqing;LIU Yuan
Blood Biochemical Characteristics of Domesticated F 1 in Chinese Sturgeon Acipenser sinensis
GUO Baifu;ZHU Bin;WAN Jianyi;TIAN Jiayuan;SHU Debin
Evaluation of Seawater Eutrophication in Coastal Weihai,Shuangdao Bay Based on Grey Clustering Method
ZHANG Xue-chao;LIU Ying;HU Hong-zhi;SONG Xi-hong;SONG Ji-de
Flatfish Industry Situation,Problems and Development Countermeasures in Liaoning Province
SU Hao;JIANG Xiufeng;LIANG Enyi;HE Chongbo;WANG Baoyi;GAO Xianggang;LI Yunfeng
Variation in Phytoplankton and Benthic Alga Communities in Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Culture Ponds
LIU Ran;CHI Shuang;CHENG Jingwei;ZENG Yong;ZHAO Zhenjun;MA Jiahao;CUI Longbo
Effects of Different Fishery Drugs on Activity of Denitrifying Bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri and Bacillus amyloliquef aciens
ZHANG Feng-feng;XIE Feng-xing;ZHOU Ke;ZHAO Yu-jie;FAN Zhen-zhong;ZHANG Min
Immunocytochemical Localization of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Brain Tissue of Semi-smooth Sole Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther
MA Qian-qian;SUN Jing-feng;SUN Meng;ZHANG Sheng-gen;XING Ke-zhi
Advances in Pathogenic Biology of Fish Parasites using Plant Lectins
LAI Xiaojian;XIONG Jing;YU Haizhen
Gene Order,Characteristics and Phylogenetic Analyses of Mitochondrial Genomes in Flatfish Pleuronectiformes
SHEN Xin;TIAN Mei;MENG Xueping;CHENG Hanliang;XU Jianhe;YAN Binlun
The Feasibility of Green Alga Enteromor pha p roli f ra as Juvenile Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus j aponicus) Feed
LIU Tian-hong;WU Zhi-hong;WANG Ying;SUN Yuan-qin;LI Xiao;LI Hong-yan
Effect of Stocking Density on Growth of Speckled Spinefoot Siganus guttatus
ZOU Xiong;ZHANG Long-zhen;ZHANG Tao;HOU Jun-li;WANG Yu