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Fisheries Science
2005 Issue 5
The Biology of Fat Greenling Hexagrammos otakii Jordan et Starks at Various seasons in Dalian
WANG Shu-lei;JIANG Zhi-qiang;MIAO Zhi-ou
Isolation and Purification of Mitochondrial DNA and Cytochrome b Gene Cloning in Obscure Puffer
SHAO Ai-hua;ZHENG Feng;WU Sheng;WU Cheng;ZHU Jiang
Effects of Accumulated Bleaching Powder on Ultrastructure of four Tissues in Charybdis japonica
JIN Chun-hua;DING Ai-xia;WANG Chun-lin
Effects of pH on Protease Activities in Siniperca kneri and Siniperca chuatsi
LV Feng-yi;CHEN Man-na;QING Ning;FANG Zhan-qiang
Survey on Pacific White Shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) Culture in Hainan Province
WANG Xiao-bing;HUANG Bo;DENG Zhong-ri
Approximate Compositions and Activities of Digestive Enzymes in Jade Perch (Scortum barcoo )from Australia
SHEN Wen-ying;ZHU Yan-rong;QIAN Ke-liang;ZHANG Shao-yang
Removal of Protein from Polysaccharide Extract of Alga Enteromorpha prolifera
XU Da-lun;OU Chang-rong;HUANG Xiao-chun;YANG Wen-ge;WANG Hai-hong
The Acute Toxicity of Several Herbicides to Stichopus japonicus
ZHOU Wei;XIA Nian-li;LIU Yong-xing;LIU Ming-tai
The Use of Collagen as a Partial Substitute for Fish Meal in Diets for Allogynogenetic crucian Carp
LENG Xiang-jun;WANG Guan;YAN Da-wei;HU Bin;XU You-hai
Amur Sturgeon Fry Rearing with Formulated Feed
CHEN Jun;PAN Wei-zhi;ZHAO Chun-Gang;ZHANG Shuang;GUAN Hai-hong
Preparation of Oligosaccharides from Laver
YAO Xing-cun;SHANG Yong;LIU Fang
Advancements in Molecular Biology on White Spot Syndrome Virus
CHENG Wei;LIU Zhi-xin
A Review: Structure of Glycosaminoglycan
Current Status and Developmental Trend of Industrialized Mariculture of Fish
ZHAG Wen-xiang;WANG Zhi-min;ZHANG Wei-guo
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