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Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
2008 Issue 4
Screening of a high-temperature a-amylase-producing strains and optimization of its fermentable condition
Study on optimized condition of porcine acellular dermal matrix cross-linked by glycerol polyglycidyl ether
DAN Nian-Hua;ZENG Rui;DAN Wei-Hua;WANG Liang;GUANG Lin-Bo;WANG Kang-Jian;MI Zhen-Jian
A design and implementation of active noise control system with TMS320VC5416 DSK
FENG Han;HE Pei-Yu;GAO Yong;XU Zi-Li;PAN Fan
A autofocusing technology for core image system based on lifting wavelet transform
WANG Zheng-Yong;HE Xiao-Hai;WU Xiao-Hong
Computation of power penalty due to combined polarization effects using multiple importance sampling
FU Xing-Chang;LIU Han-Kui;TIAN Xiao-Xing
Design and implementation of the embedded Ethernet interface based on μC/OSⅡ
CHEN Li-Xue;WU Zhi-Hong;LUO Qiang
DFT study on the geometry and energy level distribution of Tin(n=2~9) clusters
QI Kai-Tian;LI Bing;TU Ming-Jing;SHENG Yong
In vitro study on biological characteristics of 3D non-woven silk fibroin net/nano-hydroxapatite scaffold
ZHAO Yong;ZENG Quan;CHEN Jing;CHEN Zhi-qing
Quantum-chemical study of AunCu2(n=1~4) clusters
WEI Cheng-Fu;GUO Jian-Jun;XU Sheng-Lin
Equation of plasma at high temperatura from cluster expansion
LIU Hui;CHEN Xiang-song
Structure and analytic potential energy functions of the molecules CH2 and C2H
xu mei ; lv bing ; wang xiao zuo ; ling hu rong feng
Analytical potential energy function for the electronic states AⅡ1/2 and Ⅱ3/2 of BeH
L(U) Bing;LINGHU Rong-Feng;Song Xiao-Shu
Collision of polaron pairs in the nondegenerate polymers
ZHANG Yong-Qiang;LI Hong;CHENG Jie;LI Hai-Hong
The analyse of numaerical simulation of abrasive water jets submerged
XIANG Wen-Ying;LU Yi-Yu;LI Xiao-Hong
The parallelism traveling wave solutions to the nonlinear evolvement equations in the photorefractive crystal
ZHANG Xue-Feng;PU Li-Chun;LIU Li-Xin;LI Hui-Rong;YANG Shi-Qing
Study on properties of hemoglobin A1C
YANG Jin-Yun;WANG Bao-Ning;MENG Yan-Fa
Analysis of the ITS sequence and 5S rRNA spacer region of the Thalictrum and the related plants
cai ying fan ; li sheng wei ; chen da xia ; li long yun ; pan zheng ; jiang huai zhong ; liu yi ; xie yong fang ; jiang ming feng
The effectiveness and safety of remifentanil-propofol in pediatric operations
Notes on Hong's conjectures of nonsingularity ofpower LCM matrices
WU Rong-Jun;HE Cong
Weighted composition operators on Bergman space
BAI Hong-Bin;JIANG Zhi-Jie
Q-Complexes and triangulated categories
LIU Pin;XIE Yun-Li
Breeding of a jinggangmycin producing strain and optimization on fermentation conditions
LIAO Xiao-Xun;TAO Ke;HOU Tai-Ping
Studies on acute toxicity of Curcin from Jatropha curcasto organs in mice
DIAO Ming-Su;XU Ying;CHEN Fang
Preliminary floristic study on the seed plants of Minjiang upriver region
SUN Na;HE Xing-Jin;ZHOU Song-Dong
Study on the relationship between the conformation and biological activity of Ophioglossum pedunculosum Desv agglutinin
LAI Yuan-Yuan;WU Chuan-Fang;WANG Wei;LIU Yan-Hong;LIU Zheng;BAO Jin-Ku
Screening of lipase producing strains and studingon properties of lipase
DONG Ming-Qi;SHI Yan;JIANG Chun-Lei;LAN Gui-Hong;WANG Jie;DAI Zi-Ru;CAO Yi;QIAO Dai-Rong
A parallel particle swarm optimization algorithm based on best particle-shared and layered search
DING Xin-Xin;TANG Chang-Jie;ZENG Tao;ZHANG Pei-Song;XU Kai-Kuo;LIU Qi-Hong
Fast motion estimation of cross modal-grads search algorithm
XI Chi;HE Xiao-Hai;L(U) Rui;ZENG Qiang-Yu
A linearized power amplifier for WCDMA repeater application
HOU Jing;WEN Guang-Jun;LIU Ai-Hua;PANG Hong;YAN Zhong
Image retrieval algorithm based on color featureand its implementation
JIN Hai-Shan;WANG Hua-Zhang;WU Wei;YANG Rui;Teng Qi-Zhi
An enhanced identity aunthentication scheme based on smart card
DAI Jin-Feng;LIU Jia-Yong
Research on ATC handwritten symbols recognition based on SVM and NN
LU Shu-Xian;LIU Zheng-Xi;LIU Xian-Bin;LIU Lin
Research resource-optimizing network and its application in credit rating
WEN Bao-Hua;ZHANG Hong-Wei;WANG Jian
Speech pitch determination based on tile improved circular AMDF
YANG Sha;XIA Xiu-Yu;ZHANG Yu-Sheng;TANG Bang-You
First-principles calculations of electronic structure of MgB2 under pressure
FU Min;LUO Cong-Zheng;ZHAO Jian-Zhou
Geometric phase of a Heisenberg-chain in a rotating magnetic field
SONG Yuan-Jun;LI Jian-Min;WANG Qing-Wu;YANG Yang;LIU Yan-Xia
The pressure-volume-temperature relationship of periclase at high temperature and high pressure
LIU Yu-Xiao;WU Wan-Qin;SONG Ting;LIU Xiao-Bin
Study on Hawking radiation via tunneling
LI Qiang;ZE Guo-Quan
The relationship between decoupled crystal plane wave velocity and bulk wave velocity in crystal
YE Jin-Qin;WANG Shao-Feng;WANG Rui;GUO Ping-Bo;ZHANG Fu-Zhou
SVD and resampling based image resizing
HUANG Mei;ZHOU Ji-Liu;LANG Fang-Nian;HE Kun;YAN Xiang-Yu
An iterative algorithm for quasilinear parabolic PDEs
PAN Lu;L(U) Tao
A combined hybrid quadrilateral element with drilling dofs
WANG Yu;XIE Xiao-Ping;CAO Rui;LUO Min
Remark on a theorem of Hong
ZHENG Li-Juan;TAN Qian-Rong;FENG Wei-Duan
The C-base and C-subbase in L-closure spaces
Almost periodic solutions of the Lotka-Volterra n-species mixed system
YU Yong;LI Hong-Xu
Collectively compact Toeplitz operator and Hankel operator on Dirichlet spaces
WANG Xiao-Hong;CAO Gang-Fu