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Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
2003 Issue 2
Vibrational and Conformational Analysis of 3-Ethylpentane
huang li hong
Degratation of Cyanide in Coke-plant Wastewater by Using Immobilized Microorganism
xie zhi jian ; huang jun ; li guo liang ; zhang yun zhao ; shao li xian ; li yi jun
Cloning and Identification of Ribosomal Protein L38 from Dunaliella salina
liu min ; bai lin han ; zheng ming ; cao yi
Rapid Propagation and Roots of the Intergeneric Hybrid BC1 between Brassica napus with OguCMS and Orychophragmus violaceus
lei yuan cheng ; wu jun ; zuo yu ; deng yun tao ; gao hui ; li xu feng
Studies on Soil Micro-algae's Ameliorative Effection to Sterile Soil
tang dong shan ; qing ren wei ; fu hua long ; lan li qiong
Expressing F.hepatica Protective antigenic gene in BCG
zhou yu ; zhang wen lu ; li wan kui ; xu heng
Syudy on Karyotypes and Evolution of 6 Species in Kengyilea
zhang li ; zhou yong hong ; zheng you liang ; zhang ying ; liu shi gui
The Influence of Low Temperature in the Further Germination of Embryoids of Fritillaria Cirrhosa D.Don
li qiang ; ling li li ; fu hua long ; qing ren wei ; lan li qiong
The Effect of Different Temperatures and pH Value on the Conformation and Biological Activity of Polygonatum Cyrtionema Hua Lectin Ⅱ
lv hui ; gao shun ; rong yan zhen ; zhao zuo ; an jie ; duan zhen ; wang chen ji ; bao jin ku
Identification and Localization of a Dominant Gene Suppressing the Dominant Earliness Gene in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
jiang pei zuo ; chun ze ; deng xiao jian ; yang zhi rong
Studies on "Water Method" Isolation and Characterization of Tibetan Hulless Barley β-glucan
zeng yu ; zhang bei chuan ; yan zuo ; tang lin ; chen fang
The Nephogram Imformation System Vased on the Web
deng wu tian ; li yong ; fu qiang ; yu de jun
The Algorithm Research for Optimal Packing
du li zhi
Study on Time Scaling Factor in the FDTD Simulation of Microwave Heating
zuo li ping ; huang ka ma ; liu chang jun ; du guo hong
The Synthesis of Halogenated Nitrotriphenyl Ethers
ma meng lin ; yang li ; xiang feng ; luo fang ; wang yu liang ; chen shu hua
Carbonylation of Ethyl Chloroacetate Catalyzed by Cobalt Carbonyl
cao zuo ; li yao zhong ; chen hua ; li zuo ; cheng zuo ming ; li xian jun
Influence of Nonideality on Thermodynamical Properties of BZ Reaction System
luo jiang shan ; song ying quan ; luo jiu li
Copper Cation Metallomicelle Mediated Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Acetate
huang zhong ; shu yuan jie ; zeng xian cheng ; chu shi jin ; ma zhao bin
Study on the Direct Synthesis of Phenol from Benzene over Ni-based Catalyst by Orthogonal Experimental Design
fu zhen jin ; chen tong ; hu chang wei ; tian an min
On Finite Groups Having 2p3 Maximal Order Elements
jiang you yi ; du xiang lin ; liu xue fei
On Double Pyramidal Central Configurations of 5-Bodies with Arbitrary Triangle Base
liu xue fei ; chen xiao chun
Periodic Solution for a Class of Duffing Equations with Delay
li peng cheng
Tariff Trade Game Model
lan heng you ; huang nan jing ; li zhu yu
A Generalization of Separability Properties of Convex Cones
su zhan jun ; ding ren
A Note on the Isebell and Scott Topolgies on Function Spaces
zuo xiao yong ; liang ji hua
Solitons for a Class of Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
gan zai hui ; zhang jian
Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Variational Inclusions Involving Generalized m-Accretive Mappings
bi zhong sheng ; han ze ; fang ya ping
A New Probability Based Parity Encoding Algorithm for Data Compression
lan yang ; zheng gao qun ; li shang bai
An Image Similarity Measure Model Based on Texture
li yong ning
Synthesis and Caracterization of Polymer-NHS esters Used on Solid Phase Radioimmunoassay
hu zi wen ; xie jia li ; wang ke tai ; feng li ; hao yan jing
Study and Analytic Application of theLead and Cadmium Porphyrin Complexes
li fang ; hou xu ; zhang xin shen
Simulating Calculation of the HPGe γ-Spectrometer Detection Efficiency for Environmental Samples
qiao lu cheng ; bai li xin ; zhang yi yun ; xu jia yun
Structure and Dissolution Properties of Bioglass Ceramics Films Deposited by Different Ion Beam Assistance
liu zhong yang ; zheng si xiao ; liao xiao dong ; wang pei lu ; sun guan qing
Influence of Thermo-mechanical Training on the Transformation Characteristic of TiNi Shape Memory Alloy
feng xiang dong ; wang zhi guo ; zu xiao tao ; dai jing zuo ; fu ping
Dispersion in Fiber Optic Velocity Interferometer System
zhang xiao qiang ; zhou zuo ; hu shao lou
A Novel Genetic Algorithms Based on the Structure of Main and Addtional Species
he xin ; liu zhi ming ; zhou ji liu
An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Competitive Selection between Adjacent Two Generations
chen zuo ; zhou ji liu ; cheng jin ; chen li
A New Method for Volume Construction of 3D Objects in 3D Images
he xiao hai ; zuo qi zhi ; tao qing chuan ; zhou ming kang ; luo dai sheng
Implementation of Soft Real-time Scheduling for the Threads in UNIX System
jin hu ; yang hong yu