Study on the Dissipating Effects of Aluminum Foam Sandwich Panel Under Rockfall Impact
WANG Dongpo;HE Siming;LI Xinpo;WU Yong;SUN Xinpo;State Key Lab.of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection;Chengdu Univ.of Technol.;Inst.of Mountain Hazards and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Ministry of Water Conservancy;Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Civil Eng.and Architecture;Southwest Univ.of Sci.and Technol.;
A Fully Homomorphic Proxy Re-encryption Scheme Based on LWE
ZHOU Tanping;YANG Haibing;YANG Xiaoyuan;HAN Yiliang;Key Lab.of Network & Info.Security for the Chinese People’s Armed Police;Electronic Dept.;Eng.College of the Armed Police Force;Inst.of Info.Security;Eng.College of the Armed Police Force;
An Encryption Method of the Three-dimensional Optical Image
LIU Yiqun;ZHANG Jianqi;YANG Xiaoyuan;HAN Yiliang;LUO Peng;WANG Jing;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Eng.;Xidian Univ.;Key Lab.of Network & Info.Security for the Chinese Armed Police Force;Dept.of Electronic Technol.;Eng.Univ.of the Armed Police Force;
A Protection Method for SI in IOT Environment
SHA Letian;HE Liwen;FU Jianming;WANG Yansong;HU Xueli;NIU Xiaobing;LI Pengwei;CHEN Jing;College of Sci.& Technol.;Nanjing Univ.of Posts and Telecommunications;State Key Lab.of Aerospace Info.Security and Trusted Computing;Ministry of Education;Wuhan Univ.;ZTE Co.;
Efficient Lattice-based Proxy Signature Supporting Revocation
LU Xiuhua;WEN Qiaoyan;WANG Licheng;Faculty of Mathematics and Info.Sci.;Langfang Teachers Univ.;State Key Lab.of Networking and Switching Technol.;Beijing Univ.of Posts and Telecommunications;Info.Security Center;Beijing Univ.of Posts and Telecommunications;