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Sichuan Ordnance Journal
2016 Issue 3
Calculation of Floating Bridge Seabed Cable Length and Discriminate of Mooring Safety
WANG Jian-ping;YANG Shuang-shuang;WANG Jin;LIU Jian-bang;Huang Yi-hui;College of Field Engineering;PLA University of Science and Technology;
Design Analysis and Research of A New Type of Aircraft Missile Launcher Lock Mechanism
LI Hai-jun;WANG Dian-yu;Department of Armament Science and Technology;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Research Progress of Kinetic Energy Projectile Penetration Mechanism and Protection
LI Zheng;LIU Yuan-xue;ZHANG Yu;Chongqing Key Laboratory of Geomechanics & Geological Environmental Protection;Logistical Engineering University;
Research and Development of Armor Protection Technology
QIU Jian;WANG Yao-gang;Army Officer Academy of PLA;The No.77193rd Troop of PLA;
Numerical Simulation of Projectile Exterior Ballistic and Creep Force of Fuze Active Inertia Body
YUE Ming-kai;QIU Hao;JIAO Zhi-gang;Equipment Engineering College;Shenyang Ligong University;
Influence of Explosive Bolts’ Synchronization on Projectile Impact Attitude
ZHANG Xue-lun;LI Zhen;WANG Zhao-ming;Chongqing Hongyu Precision Industrial Co.;Ltd.;
Research on Relationship Between Rockets Flight Velocity and Jet Impact Effect
YANG Ming;XIE Yu-tong;WANG Hui;XIA Sheng-yu;WANG Ming-zhu;Research Institute of Sichuan Aerospace System Engineering;Sichuan Aerospace Measurement and Test Research Institute;
Numerical Simulations and Tests Investigation in UNDEX on Isolation Performance of Catamaran
LI Chen;ZONG Zhi;WANG Wen-guan;The No.91439th Troop of PLA;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment;School of Naval Architecture;Dalian University of Technology;
Study on Influence of Aluminum Powder Content on Rocket Motor Thrust
YU Yong-zhi;XIANG Sheng-hai;LI Shi-peng;YU Chao;LI Shuai;YUAN Jian-fei;College of Equipment Engineering;Shenyang Ligong University;School of Aerospace Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Jilin Jiangbei Machinery Co.;Ltd.;Northeast Industrial Group Co.;LTD.;
A New Using Method of Surface Infrared Decoy Against Infrared Ship Missiles
ZHU Yu-guang;ZHANG Xing-you;LYU Jun;92 Unit of the No.92941st Troop of PLA;
Finite Element / Boundary Element Simulation of 3D Rail Gun with Coupling Method Based on Symmetry Condition
LIN Zhi-peng;LIU Zhen-xiang;YANG Dong;OUYANG Jian-ming;YANG Li-jia;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;
Design of Hydraulic Buffer and Braking Simulation of Large Caliber Rifle Based on AMESim
REN Lin;WANG Gang;College of Mechatronic Engineering;North University of China;
Agent Based Scheduling Transportation Model for Combat POL Support Under Informationization
ZHOU Qing-zhong;Logistical Engineering University;
Armored Vehicle Transmission Gear Box Health Monitoring and Diagnosis Methods
WU Bin;QIU Jian;ZOU Zhi-qiang;Army Officer Academy of PLA;
Method of Weapons and Equipment Data Based on Equipment Profile
LIU Hu;LIU Wei-dong;YANG Ping;The Second Artillery Engineering University;The No.96265th Troop of PLA;
A Method on Quality Comprehensive Evaluation for Military Aircraft
ZHANG Lin-lin;CHEN Li-gao;The No.91321st Troop of PLA;The No.91372nd Troop of PLA;
Conceptual Modeling of Virtual Scene of Mobile Pipeline Based on E-R Model
QUAN Qi;YONG Qi-wei;LIU Zhou;NIE Tong;Department of Petroleum Supply;Logistical Engineering University of PLA;
Automatic Identification on Weak and Small Target in Space Based on Principle of Star Sensor
TAN Xiao-bo;TANG Wu-sheng;YANG Jian-kun;YI Wen-jun;JIA Hui;LIU Ju;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;
Study on Capture and Loop Control of Deeply BD/INS Integrated System
WANG Huan-hao;ZENG Qing-hua;MENG Qian;FENG Shao-jun;Navigation Research Center of College of Automation;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Centre for Transport Studies;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Imperial College London;
Database Design of Underwater Acoustic Target Based on Visual C++
GONG Jian-wen;YANG Ri-jie;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Symmetrical Triangular Linear Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Radar Signal Detection Algorithm Based on Periodic Fourier Transform
HUAN Ai-qi;Liu Feng;WANG Ze-zhong;Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute;Naval Armament Research Institute;
Research of Automatic Takeoff / Landing Height Control Technology for Unmanned Helicopter
XIA Bin;HUANG Yi-min;SUN Chun-zhen;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Flight Trajectory Optimization of UAV Long-Endurance
GAO Long-bo;LI Ben-wei;ZHANG Yun;The Fifth Unit of Graduate Students Brigade;Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute;College of Aircraft Engineering;Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute;
Fault Diagnosis Method of Circuit Using LS-SVM and Improved PSO
CHENG Si-jia;ZHANG Chang-hong;Department of Information Security;Navy University of Engineering;
Analog Circuit of Fuze Self-Destruction Based on the Charge Balance Principle
WU Qi;LI Xiao-chen;LIU Hai-bin;Xi’an Institute of Electromechanical Information Technology;
Fixed Time Interception of Asteroids Based on Gauss Algorithm
DING Wen-zhe;YANG Hong;CHEN Feng;The Academy of Equipment Command & Technology;
Status and Research Progress of Heat Resistant Explosives
ZHOU Jie-wen;ZHANG Chuang-jun;WANG You-bing;ZHANG Meng-meng;LI Yuan;Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute;
Model Analysis of Nuclide Dispersion by Segmented Gaussian Plume Model on the Ocean
GAO Hua-chao;GE Yi-jun;ZHONG Chen-hua;Department of Ship Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;
Analysis of Control Rod Worth Features of MC Simulation in AP1000 Reactor
XIE Ming-liang;YU Lei;CHEN Yu-qing;Department of Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;
Effect of Changing Ignition Dosages on Combustion Properties of Propellants
CHAO Li-jin;LYU Bing-feng;School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;North University of China;
Manufacturing Process of Aluminium Steel Clad Plate for Warship
SONG Jun;ZHANG Wen-ping;HUA Xian-feng;Xi’an Tianli Clad Materials Co.;Ltd.;
Dynamic Property Analysis of Embedded Co-Cured Gridded Damping Structure Composites
LI Xue;LIANG Sen;LIANG Tian-xi;College of Mechanical Engineering;Qingdao Technological University;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Review on Effects of Elevated Temperature on Inorganic Polymer Concrete( IPC)
REN Jun-ru;CHEN Hui-guo;DU Jiang;Department of Civil Engineering;Logistical Engineering University;
Study on Numerical Simulation of M Shaped Charged Liner form Annular Jet
TONG Zong-bao;WANG Xiao-chun;CHEN Jian;LIU Yan;HU Shan-bao;LIU Zhi-hua;LEI Yong-tao;HU Run-juan;FENG Mei;Hunan Xiangtan Jiangnan Industry Group Co.;Ltd.;
Research of Hydraulic System of Automatic Butt-Joint Connector for Carrier Booster
ZHANG Xin;LI Zhi-gang;XU Hua;HE Qing;School of Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Shanghai Institute of Aerospace System Engineering;
Cycle Calculation of Structure Using Centrifugal Torque to Return Based on Similar Stiffness Coefficient
ZHANG Yue-li;WANG Fa-lin;Xi’an Institute of Electromechanical Information Technology;
Numerical Test for a Solution to Fractional Telegraph Equation
YANG Yun-chong;XU Zhong-chang;College of Science;Naval University of Engineering;
Automatic Picking Method of Primary Wave Arrivals by Energy Ratio Method and Correlation
YE Xiao-long;WANG Zhong-gang;HUANG Xiao-han;YUAN Ye;Department of Military Civil Engineering;Logistical Engineering University of PLA;
Study on Binary-State Pitching Movement of Water-Exit Trajectory of Underwater Vehicles
WANG Zhan-ying;FENG Jian-hua;CHENG Shao-hua;WEI Hai-peng;YOU Tian-qing;Beijing Institute of Astronautical System Engineering;
Experimental Research of Spectral Radiation Produced by Hypervelocity Impact on Natural Dolomite Plate
YUAN Jian-fei;XIANG Sheng-hai;TANG En-ling;ZHANG Wei-dong;ZHANG Shuang;YU Yong-zhi;College of Equipment Engineering;Shenyang Ligong University;Shenyang Aerospace Mitsubishi Motors Engine Manufacturing CO.;LTD.;
Heuristic Vogel Method for Solving Multistage Decision-Making Problems
SUN Peng-fei;LIU Jian-yong;College of Field Engineering;PLA University of Science and Technology;