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Sichuan Ordnance Journal
2016 Issue 2
Process of Damage Research on Shaped-Charge Warhead of Underwater Weapon
LI Bing;FANG Yi;FENG Peng-fei;The No.91439th Troop of PLA;
Research on Attitude Algorithm for Projectile with High Spinning Speed
QIU Hai-di;LI Jia;NIU Chun-feng;LI Yan;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Nanjing University of Science & Technology;No.2 Design Institute of Research & Development Center;Shenyang Industrial Group Co.Ltd.;Department of Guided Projectiles;Navigation and Control Technology Institute of China North Industries Group Cooperation;
Technical Research for Efficiency Evaluation by Anti-Submarine Patrol Aircraft Researching Submarine Based on Cloud Theory and Combination Weighting Method
YANG Bing-bing;JU Jian-bo;YAN Guo-yu;SHAN Zhi-chao;Navy Aeronautics and Astronautics University;
Research on Problem of Search Game with Multiple Search Routes and Limited Search
XUE Hong-zhan;SONG Ye-xin;College of Science;Naval University of Engineering;
Firing Dynamic Analysis of Coupling Mortar Base Plate-Soil
ZHOU Zhong-jia;BU Hua-tao;HE Yong;School of Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Fluent-Based Calculation and Analysis of Missile Aerodynamic Characteristics
WU Xing;LU Yong-gang;SONG Qiong;ZHANG Tao;Institute of System Engineering;China Academy of Engineering Physics;Institute of Fluid Pysics;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
One Method of Torpedo Twice Turn Angle Launching Parameter Solving Under Predetermined Encountering Situation
LIU Jian;LI Chang-wen;LI Ben-chang;Navy Submarine Academy;
Numerical Simulation for Effect of Homogeneous and Stiffened Plates on Resisting Projectile Penetration
ZHANG Ning;School of Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Research on High Load Low Impact Damping Onboard Pyrotechnics Actuation Technology
WU Jian-gang;HUANG Min;SHANG Ya-ling;Military Representative Office of Navy in Sanjiang Aerospace Corp.;Owned Station of Hong Feng Mechanical Factory;Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute;
Operational Availability Simulation for Primary Loop of Marine Nuclear Power Plants
WANG Jian;CHEN Li-sheng;LI Dong-xing;ZHANG Yong-fa;LI Shao-shuai;Power Engineering College;Naval University of Engineering;The No.92730th Troop of PLA;
Simulation of Launch Vehicle’s Internal Trajectory in Hydraulic Equalized Torpedo Launcher
LI Ya-nan;YE Hui-juan;ZHANG Xi-yong;Department of Weaponry Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;
One Method of Radar Data Restraining Outliers on Kalman Filter
ZHANG Ya-song;REN Hong-guang;China Airborne Missile Academy;
Analysis of Hydrodynamic and Motion Characteristics of Moored Floating-Body Under Sea Conditions of Degree 4
WU Ming;Yichang Research Institute of Testing Technology;
A Monitor Design Method of the Switching Fiber Optic Bus System on Board
QIU Yi;XIAO Lian-gang;ZENG Qi;Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute;Beijing Aerospace Guanghua Electronic Technology Corporation;
Analysis on Influence of Various Factors to Acquiring Probability of Guided Bomb with Infrared Imaging
ZHENG Li-hui;PANG Wei;Navy’s Aviation Military Representative Office in Luoyang;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Motion Analysis of Transition Unit of Intelligent Warehouse Entry Institution
DAI Jin-song;ZHANG Ming-liang;WANG Mao-sen;ZHAN Yuan-guo;School of Mechanical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science & Technology;
Evaluation Method for Military Logistics Storehouse Site Selection Based on Cloud Model
SHAO Shuai;DAI Ming-qiang;ZHANG Xiao;College of Science;Navy University of Engineering;
Optimization Model of Military Depot Location Based on Genetic Neural Network
LI Heng;GUO Peng;HU Ru-yi;LI Hong-zhi;Department of Oil Application & Management Engineering;Logistic Engineering University of PLA;
Influence of Damage Assessment Information Timeliness on Remote Precision Performance
LIU Gao-qiang;YU Xiao-hong;ZHAO Zheng-yu;Graduate Management Team;Academy of Eqiupment;Space Command Department;Academy of Eqiupment;
Artillery Testability Classification Assessment Based on Fuzzy Hierarchy Evaluation
ZHAO Shuai;HAN Guo-zhu;WANG Wei;Artillery Engineering Department;Ordnance Engineering College;
Study on Evaluation of Oil Depot Anti-Terrorism Oil Support Capacity Based on Catastrophe Progression Method
WEI Xiao-lin;ZHOU Qing-zhong;SUN Tao;NI Cong;Logistics Engineering University;
Study on Optimization of POL Highway Transportation Route in Wartime Based on Entropy Matrix
LAI Wei;XIAO Shu-cheng;SU Yong-dong;MAO Ya-long;LU Si-xi;Logistic Engineering University;The No.95561st Troop of PLA;
Research Status and Developing Trend on Manufacturing Execution System
WANG Jin;School of Mechanical Engineering;Xi’an Aeronautical University;
Numerical Simulation and Analysis on High Speed and High Power Laser Butt Welding for Stainless Steel Thin Plates
YUE Yong-feng;SONG Yu-ying;LI Tie;WANG Pei;Inner Mongolia Institute of Aerospace Machinery Testing;Shanghai Electric Control Research Institution;
Modeling and Simulation for Pilot Relief Valve Based on AMEsim
ZHOU Jia-yong;ZHANG Ang;MO Xin-min;MENG-Xiao-jing;ZHAO Hao;Northwest Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;
Cartridge Case Surface Defect Detection System Design Based on Machine Vision
GOU Wen-tao;XIE Wei-qing;Southwest Automation Research Institute;
Effect of Obstacles to Flame Propagation
SUN Song;GAO Kang-hua;YANG Tao;State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Explosive and Impact;PLA University of Science and Technology;Third Engineering Corps of China Airport Construction;
Analysis of Laser Scattering Attribute of Aerial Target Based on BRDF Model
CHEN Jian-biao;SUN Hua-yan;CHEN Yao-yao;JIANG Jia-wei;Department of Graduate Management;Equipment Academy;Department of Optical and Electronic Equipment;Equipment Academy;
RFI Suppression Method for Compressive Sensing Based SAR Imaging
KONG Shu-ya;YE Wei;BAN Hong-yan;WANG Kang;Academy of Equipment;China Xichang Satellite Launch Center;
Numerical Analysis of Weak Signal Detection’TF Based on Duffing Oscillator
RUI Guo-sheng;LIU Lin-fang;ZHANG Song;SUN Wen-jun;Department of Electronic Engineering;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;Signal and Information Processing Provincial Key Laboratory in Shandong;Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University;
Moving Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Improved Mean Shift
XU Huo-xi;School of Electronic Information;Huanggang Normal University;
Research and Application of Fast Dynamic Detection Based on Machine Vision
HAO Ping;College of Information Engineering;Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute;
Modeling and Simulation of TDMA Tactical Data Link’s Hybrid Slot Allocation
CHEN Bing;YIN Ya-lan;CHEN Bing-qing;Department of Information Warfare;Navy Command College;
Development of Transfer Alignment for Inertial Navigation Systems
SONG Jia-yu;YANG Li-ming;LI Dong-jie;Institute of Electronic Engineering;China Academy of Engineering Physics;
Path Planning of Mobile Beacon in Wireless Sensor Network Node Localization
ZHANG Qiang;ZHANG Qing;ZHANG Lei;YU Ji-yan;JIA Fang-xiu;National Defense Key Laboratory of Ammunition Technology;Nanjing University of Science & Technology;Military Research and Development Center;Yuxi Industries Group Co.;Ltd.;
Simulation and Experiment of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control System
LIN Jia-kun;TU Qun-zhang;DUAN Ke-jun;LU Kai;ZOU Shan;College of Field Engineering;PLA University of Science & Technology;Training Command;PLA University of Science & Technology;The No.73237th Troop of Zhejiang Provincial Military Region;Nanjing Military Region;PLA;
Representation of 3D Entity Modeling for Radar Image Simulation
DONG Hong-peng;JIANG Ben-qing;FANG Wei;Naval Aeronautical Engineering University;
Research and Decision for Multi-Target Threat Sequencing in Air Defense Combat
CHANG Fei;ZHANG Xin-yi;LIN Ying;Shanghai PuDong Development Center;China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp.;
Construction of Highly Reliable Hospital Network
REN Hao;LIU Min-chao;XU Liu;ZENG Mei;YANG Jun;Computer Section;General Hospital of PLA;Surgery Department;General Hospital of PLA;The No.62315th Troop of PLA;
Nursing Care of Endoscopic Retrograde( ERCP) and Duodenal Papilla( EST)
ZHANG Ya-juan;The First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University;