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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
2008 Issue 3
bian zhe an
matti kummu marko keskinen olli varis han jiang
Mekong at the Crossroads
Olli Vans;Marko Keskinen;Matti Kummu
The Changing Sediment Load of the Mekong River
Des E.Walling
Sediment:Curse or Blessing for Tonle Sap Lake?
Matti Kummu;Dan Penny;Juha Sarkkula;Jorma Koponen
Water Level Response to Hydropower Development in the Upper Mekong River
Shaqjuan Li and Daming He
Impact of the Mekong River Flow Alteration on the Tonle Sap Flood Pulse
Matti Kummu;Juha Sarkkula
Megaprojects and Social and Environmental Changes:The Case of the Thai‘Water Grid’
Franois Molle;Philippe Floch
Mekong Delta at the Crossroads:More Control or Adaptation?
Mira Kknen
Frontiers of Change:The Reasons Behind Land-use Change in the Mekong Basin
Petrina Rowcroft
Population Growth and Natural-Resources Pressures in the Mekong River Basin
Sokhem Pech;Kengo Sunada