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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
2000 Issue 1
Silicon Retention in River Basins: Far-reaching Effects on Biogeoch- emistry and Aquatic Food Webs in Coastal Marine Environments
Christoph Humborg;Daniel J.Conley.Lars Rahm;Fredrick Wulff; Adriana Cociasu; Venugopalan Ittekkot
How Warm Was the Medieval Warm Period?
Thomas J. Crowley Thomas S. Lowery
Temperature Dependence of Old Soil Organic MatterComments on the paper by Liski, J , Ilvesniemi, H , Makela , A. And Westaman, C. J. Ambio Vol. X X VIII,No.2,1999
Professor Goran I. Agren Department of Ecology and Environmental Research Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7072SE-750 07 Uppsala Sweden
fei zhou de quan qiu bian hua yan jiu
zhang fan
The Holocene History of Lake Victoria
Thomas C. Johnson; Kerry Kelts; Eric Odada
Biogenic and Pyrogemic Emissions from Africa and their Impact on the Global Atmosphere
Mary Scholes Meinrat O.Andreae
Temperature Dependence of Old Soil Organic Matter Reply to the Comments by Gran gren on a paper by Liski et al. Ambio Vol. X X VIII,No.2,1999
Jari Liski;European Forest Institute;Torikatu 34; FIN-80100 Joensuu;FinlandE-mail: Jari.Liski@efi.fiHannu Hvesniemi; Department of Forest Ecology; University of Helsinki; P.O. Box 24; FIN-00014 University of Helsinki; FinlandAnnikki MakeldDepartment of Forest Ecology;University of Helsinki; P.O. Box 24;FIN-00014 University of Helsinki;FinlandCarl Johan Westman Department of Forest Ecology; University of Helsinki; P.O. Box 24; FIN-00014 University of Helsinki; Finland