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Ambio-A Journal of the Human Environment
1999 Issue 2
Assessing Community-based Natural-resource Management
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing Anthropology Board of Studies University of California;Santa Cruz USAJ. Peter Brosius Department of Anthropology University of Georgia Athens; Georgia 30602-1619 USACharles ZernerNatural Resources and RightsProgramRainforest Alliance65 Bleecker St.; NYNY 10012-2420USAAnna Lowenhaupt Tsing Anthropology Board of Studies University of California; Santa Cruz USA
Causal Association between Cadmium and Nephrotoxicity in Voles:Evidence Suggests that Cadmium is not the Sole Cause
Richard F. Shore and Lee WalkerInstitute of Terrestrial EcologyMonks Wood; Abbots RiptonHuntingdonCambridgeshire; PE172LS; UKBeata Laczewska and KatarzynaSawicka-KapustaInstitute of Environmental BiologyJagiellonian Universityul. Ingardena 630-060 Cracow; Poland
Environmentallu Sustainable Urbanization and Transportation in China----the Case for Territorial Development Planning
Stellan CyonComplan ABBovgen23 S-18143 LidingSweden
Land Degradation:Why is it Continuing?
Delphis F. Levia; Jr.Graduate School of GeographyClark University950 Main StreetWorcester; MA 01610USA
Water Resources in China:Problems and Countermeasures
feng qi cheng guo dong san shang zheng nan
Assessment of Damage to Fish Populations in Norwegian Lakes Due to Acidification
Trygave Hesthagen; Iver H. Sevaldrud; Hans M. Berger
Mining vs. Geological Heritage:The Cuevas del Almanzora Natural Area (SE Spain)
Jesus Martinez-FriasDpto. de GeologiaMuseo Nacional de CienciasMaturates; CSICdo Jose Gutierrez Abascal; 228006 Madrid; Spaine-mail: martinezfrias 0mncn.csic.es
Assessment of Duckweed Lemna aequinoctialis as a Toxicological Bioassay for Tropical Environments in Developing Countries
Bengt-Erik Bengtsson; Juvy P. Bongo; Britta Ekiund
Alternative strategies for livestock-fish integration with Emphasis on Asia
David C. Little Peter Edwards
Child Lifting:Wolves in Hazaribagh,India
Kishan Singh Rajpurohit
Human Impact on Nitrate Export:An Analysis Using Major World Rivers
Nina F. Cafaco Jonathan J. Cole
Soil Erosion and Conservation in Yunnan Province,China
Micheal A. Fullen; David J. Mitchell; Andrew P. Barton; Trevor J. Hocking
Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils in Chian:Status and Countermeasures
chen huai man zheng chun rong tu cong zhu yong guan
Energy Consumption and Acid Deposition in Northeast Asia
David G. Streets; Gregptu R. Carmichael; Markus Amann; Richard L. Arndt
Resource Scarcity and Innovation:Can Poor Countres Attain Endogenous Growth?
Edward B. Barbier Thomas F. Homer-Dixon
Greenhouse Gas Emission Abatement:Equitable Burden Sharing
Fayen D’Evie John Taylor
CO2 Emissions from Nonenergy Use----Methodological Aspects and a Case Study for Germany
Martin Patel; Eberhard Jochem; Frank Marscheider-Weidemann; Ernst Worrell
Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability to Climate Change
Richard J.T.Klein Robert J.Nicholls
Ecological and Socioeconomic Impacts of 1998 Coral Mortality in the Indian Ocean:An ENSO Impact and a Warning of Future Change?
Clive Wilkinson; Olof Linden; Herman Cesar; Gregor Hodgson; Jason Rubens; Alan E.Strong