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Software Engineer
2016 Issue 1
Research of Software Engineering Practice Courses Construction Based on CDIO
CHEN Peng;,XIONG Yaohua;,ZHOU Hui;
The Investigation of Electronic Information Technology Talents Demand Status in Dongguan
HU Xuanzi;,CAO Wenliang;,ZOU Lin;,LIN Jianzhong;
Research of Interconnect Courses Teaching Mode Based on MOOC
LU Chuanying;
Talent Training Mode Research of Software Development Based on the Innovation Studio
A New Improved Weighted K-shell Decomposition Method
SONG Qichao;
The Application of Non-oriented Graph in Computer Drawing
ZHANG Qiang;
Research on Mobile Augmented Reality Based on Marker Location Changes
GAO Zhi;,YU Jindong;,LIU Jiamin;
Comparison and Analysis of Traffic Signs Recognition Algorithm
ZHONG Ling;,YU Yajie;,ZHANG Zhijia;,JIN Yongchao;
An Approach to Correlation Analysis of Trustworthy Attributes
LI Junlin;,GAO Tao;,YU Yong;
Design of the Spider Type Glass Cleaning Robot
ZHANG Yujia;,WU Wei;
Seismic Waveform Data Storage and Application Programming under Hadoop Platform
WANG Danning;,CHAI Xuchao;,WANG Wenqing;
Research and Exploration of Colleges Cloud Platform Construction
GE Lei;,WU Janjun;
Design and Development of Colleges Management Platform
BIAN Zhifeng;