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Journal of Synthetic Crystals
2010 Issue S1
In-situ Study on the Effect of Fe3+ on the Regeneration Kinetics of Z-cut ADP Crystal
ZHONG De-gao1;TENG Bing1;DONG Sheng-ming2;YU Zheng-he1;ZHAO Yan-shuai1;XU Hui1;YOU Fei1;ZHANG Shi-ming1
Growth of K2Al2B2O7 Crystal and the Impact of Flux on UV Absorption
WANG Yong-gang1;2;LI Ru-kang1
Directional Process Method of AgGa1-xInxSe2 Crystal
LONG Yong;ZHAO Bei-jun;ZHU Shi-fu;HE Zhi-yu;CHEN Bao-jun WAN Shu-quan;WANG Ying;XU Jian-hua
Effect of Deposition Time on ZnS Thin Films Prepared by Electrodeposition Method
LIU Yi-jun1;2;HUANG Jian-feng1;WANG Xiu-feng1;ZHU Hui1
Gettering of Copper by Defects in Silicon
LI Xiao-qiang;YANG De-ren;YU Xue-gong;WANG Lei;QUE Duan-lin
Investigation on Factors Influencing the Synthesis of YAG Nano-powders by Co-precipitation Method
ZHANG Xiao-lin;LIU Duo;QIN Hai-ming;SANG Yuan-hua;LIU Hong;WANG Ji-yang
Preparation of SiC Whiskers Deposited by CVD Process
MENG Fan-tao1;2;DU Shan-yi1;ZHANG Yu-min1
Nonvolatile Holographic Storage in Zn∶Mn∶Fe∶LiNbO3 Crystals
ZHANG Chun-lei1;FAN Ye-xia2;XU Chao3;FANG Gui-zhen1;GUAN Cheng-xiang4;XU Yu-heng3
Growth of Nonlinear Optical Crystal Na3La2(BO33 by Flux-pulling Method
LIU Zuo-liang1;2 ;ZHANG Guo-chun1;ZHANG Jian-xiu1;FU Pei-zhen1;WU Yi-cheng1
Preparation and Spectra Properties of Near-stoichiometric Cr∶LiNbO3 Single Crystals Grown by Bridgman Method
WANG Jin-hao1;ZHANG Yue-pin1;XIA Hai-ping1;CHEN Hong-bing2
Observation of Etch Pits Morphology on the (112) Face of AgGa0.8In0.2Se2 Crystal
WANG Ying;ZHU Shi-fu;ZHAO Bei-jun;CHEN Bao-jun;HE Zhi-yu;WAN Shu-quan;LONG Yong
Investigation on Activation Energy of Phosphorus-doped Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films
CHEN Qing-dong1;WANG Jun-ping1;ZHANG Yu-xiang2;LU Jing-xiao2
Spectra Properties of Ti3+-doped Y2O3 Microcrystalline Powders
ZENG Gui-ping1;DONG Qiang1;YAO Li1;ZHANG Qing-li2;DENG Zan-hong2;LI Dong-qing2;NING Kai-jie2
Spectra Properties of Nd3+∶Sr3Y2(BO34 Crystal
ZHANG Yan1;2;WANG Guo-fu2;LIN Zhou-bin2;ZHANG Li-zhen2
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Ferroelectric Domains in PMN-PT Single Crystal
LIU Li-ming1;2;ZENG Hua-rong2;LI Guo-rong2;LUO Hao-su2;YIN Qing-rui2
Study on a Novel Deep-UV Nonlinear Optical Crystal RbBe2BO3F2
LUO Si-yang1;2;YU Jin-qiu1;2;WANG Xiao-yang1;WEN Xiao-hong1;2;CHEN Chuang-tian1
Spectra Properties of Some Nonlinear Optical Crystals in THz Region
ZHANG Er-pan1;2;WU Li-li1;3;ZHANG Ya-xin4;CHEN Ping1;2 ZHANG Ting-ting4;FU Pei-zhen1;WU Yi-cheng1
Growth and Structure Characterization of K1-x(NH4xH2PO4 Mixed Crystals by Seeds Crystal Method
TENG Bing;ZHONG De-gao;ZHANG Shi-ming;ZHAO Yan-shuai;YOU Fei;XU Hui;LV Han-yu
Effects of Synthesizing Method on the Properties of the (1-x)Ba0.998La0.002TiO3-xBi4Ti3O12 Ceramics
ZHAO Xin;PU Yong-ping;CHEN Xiao-long;CHEN Kai
Study on Photocatalytic Activities of ZnO∶Fe Films
DONG Shu-hua;XU Ke-jing;WEI Chun-cheng
Study on Growth and Optical Properties of Na3VO2B6O11 Crystal
FAN Xiao-yun1;2;PAN Shi-lie1;HAN Jian1;TIAN Xue-lin1;ZHOU Zhong-xiang1
Effect of Surface Processing on the Leakage Current of CdZnTe Wafer
QIU Chun-li;ZHAO Bei-jun;ZHU Shi-fu;DING Qun;HE Zhi-yu;CHEN Bao-jun
Synthesis of In-doped ZnO Crystals by Hydrothermal Method
WEI Zhi-ren1;LIU Xin-hui1;WU Ming-xiao1;ZHANG Jin-ping1 ;YIN Li-jun2;HUANG Cun-xin2;LI Zhi-qiang1
Preparation and X-ray Diffraction Analysis of CdGeAs2 Polycrystalline
ZHANG Yi;ZHU Shi-fu;ZHAO Bei-jun;HE Zhi-yu;CHEN Bao-jun DU Wen-juan;LI Jia-wei;HUANG Wei
Research on High Strength Mullite Based Micro-crystalline Ceramics Thin Tiles
LIU Yi-jun1;2;WANG Xiu-feng1;CAO Li-yun1
Oriented Growth of KCl Crystals in Hydrogel
REN Yi;LIANG Jin-huan;HAN Yu-qiao;WANG Xu-dong;LI Chen-xi
Mechanism of Electrolytic Coloration of Sodium Chloride Crystal
SONG Cui-ying1;WANG Rui1;GAO Yun-e1;GU Hong-en2
Reaction Model and Numerical Simulation of Gallium Nitride Growth(I)
WANG Guo-bin;ZHANG Yong-hong;WANG Huai-bing
Measuring the Capability of LaCl3∶Ce Scintillator Used in Low Intensity γ Pulse Radiation Field
LI Zhong-bao1;HU Meng-chun1;ZHOU Gang1;GUO Hong-sheng1;YANG Gao-zhao1;HUANG Yan1;ZHAO Guang-jun2;ZENG Qing3;GENG Tao3
Reaction Model and Numerical Simulation of Gallium Nitride Growth(Ⅱ)
WANG Guo-bin;ZHANG Yong-hong;WANG Huai-bing
Study on Composition Uniformity of KTa1-xNbxO3 Crystals Growth by Czochralski Method
WANG Xu-ping1;WANG Ji-yang2;LIU Bing1
Effect of Sputtering Pressure on the Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering
LI Lin-na;CHEN Xin-liang;SUN Jian;GENG Xin-hua;ZHAO Ying
Research on Emerald-like Cubic Zirconia
SHEN Hui;XU Jia-yue;ZHAN Zong-gui;GAO Meng-li;JIANG Yan-fei; ZHANG Dao-biao;HE Xue-mei;JIANG Guo-jian
Solid Particle Erosion-wear Behavior of Alumina Ceramics at High Temperature
WANG Xiao-jun1;FANG Ming-hao1;SUN Hao-ran1;HUANG Shao-ping2; LIU Yan-gai1;HUANG Zhao-hui1 ;Beijing 100083;China; 2.Luoyang Precondar Instruments for Testing Refractoriness Co.;Ltd;Luoyang 471039;China)
Preparation and Optical Properties of CdS Polycrystalline Thin Film
YANG Ding-yu;ZHU Xing-hua;WEI Zhao-rong;SUN Hui
Confined Formation of CdS Nanoparticles within the Pore of Al-MCM-41 Molecular Sieve
BAI Xue-feng1;CAO Ying2;WU Wei2
Study on Preparation of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3-δ by Citric Acid Complex Method
ZHU Jie1;LIU Yan-chun1;ZENG Ling-ke1;WANG Hui1;QI Xiao-ling2;WANG Zhao-chun1
Preparation of MnNb2O6 Powders by Hydrothermal Method
ZHUANG Yong-yong1;2;PU Yong-ping1;2;XU Ning1;CHEN Kai1
A New Reaction Route to Grow Infrared Nonlinear Crystal AgGaS2
WU Hai-xin;HUANG Fei;NI You-bao;WANG Zhen-you;MAO Ming-sheng;CHENG Gan-chao
Preparation and Characterization of Mullite Microcrystallites by Sol-gel Method
YANG Qiang;HUANG Jian-feng;CAO Li-yun;WU Jian-peng;XIONG Na
Influence of Growth Style on Quality of DKDP Crystal
CHANG Xin-an;ZANG He-gui;CHEN Xue-an;XIAO Wei-qiang
Synthesis of Flake Nano-ZrO2 by Hydrothermal Method
WEI Chun-cheng1;CHEN Zhi-wei2;TIAN Gui-shan1;FENG Liu2
Low Temperature Thermoluminescence Spectra of CaSO4∶Dy(Tm),Li Phosphor
WANG Ya-fang1;2;YANG Bai-rui3;PETER Townsend4 ;Beijing 100083;China; 2.School of Material Science and Technology;China University of Geosciences;Beijing 100083;China; 3.Department of Physics;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China; 4.School of Science and Technology;University of Sussex;UK;BN1 9QH)
Enhancement of Pyroelectric Coefficient of Cr∶LiNbO3 and Cr,Fe∶LiNbO3 Crystals
ZHANG Ling1;2;CUI Lei1;2;SUN Jun1;3;HAN Wen-qing1;2;WANG Jun1;2;KONG Yong-fa1;2;LIU Shi-guo1;HUANG Zi-heng1;CHEN Shao-Lin1;XU Jing-jun1;2
Microemulsion Synthesis and Characterization of SrMoO4 Nanospindles
JIA Run-ping;ZHANG Ying-qiang
Crystallization Habit of Bi12SiO20 Grown by Hydrothermal Method
HE Xiao-ling1;ZHANG Chang-long1;HU Zhang-gui2;HUO Han-de1;ZHOU Hai-tao1;WANG Jin-liang1;QIN Shi-jie1
Effect of Temperature and Mineralizer on In2O3 Crystals Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method
WEI Zhi-ren;QIANG Yong;GUO Shu-qing;PENG Xiang-yu;GAO Ping;TIAN Shuai;DONG Guo-yi
Growth of LaBr3∶Ce Crystal by Spontaneous Nucleation Bridgman Method
SHI Hong-sheng1;QIN Lai-shun1;WEI Qin-hua1;CHEN Xiao-feng2;REN Guo-hao2;SHU Kang-ying1
Variation of Polyphosphate Ion Concentration in Growth Solution of DKDP Crystal
CHANG Xin-an;HAN Li-hui;ZANG He-gui;CHEN Xue-an;XIAO Wei-qiang
Influence of Laser Parameters on Initial Parameters of the Ablated Particles Produced by Pulsed Laser Ablation
FU Guang-sheng;WANG Shi-jun;DING Xue-cheng;CHU Li-zhi;DENG Ze-chao; LIANG Wei-hua;CHEN Chao;WANG Ying-long
Effect of Lu3+ Content on Structure and Properties of Gadolinium Lutetium Oxide Transparent Ceramics
QIN Lai-shun1;WU Yun-tao1;2;SHI Hong-Sheng1;SHU Kang-ying1
Synthesis,Crystal Structure of a New Complex [Ni(pht)2(ba)2(H2O)2]
HU Xi-lan1;SHI Peng-fei1;XU Xing-you1;2;YIN Fu-jun1;WANG Da-qi3
Preparation and Characterization of Tungsten Single Crystals Coating by Chemical Transport Method
LV Yan-wei1;2;YU Xiao-dong1;2;TAN Cheng-wen1;2;MA Kun-song1;MA Hong-lei2
First Principles Calculation of Lattice Constant and Elastic Modulus of ZnO Crystal
GUO Lian-quan1;LI Da-ye1;LIU Jia-hui2;MA He1;WU He-nan1;LENG Li1;ZHANG Ping1
Effects of Fe3+ on Morphology of Rutile TiO2 Crystal Synthesized by Hydrothermal Process
WEI Zhi-ren;WU Ming-xiao;ZHANG Li-ming;LIU Xin-hui;ZHOU Yang;DONG Guo-yi