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Acta Meteorologica Sinica
2013 Issue 1
Regional Climate Effects of Internally and Externally Mixed Aerosols over China
YU Yong 1;2;NIU Shengjie 2;ZHANG Hua 3;and WU Ziyue 4 1 School of Remote Sensing;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Nanjing 210044 2 Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment;Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Nanjing 210044 3 Laboratory for Climate Studies;National Climate Center;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100081 4 Meteorology Bureau of Pukou District of Nanjing;Nanjing 211800
The Variability of Spring Sand-Dust Storm Frequency in Northeast Asia from 1980 to 2011
YANG Yuanqin 1;WANG Jizhi 1;NIU Tao 1;ZHOU Chunhong 1;CHEN Miao 2;and LIU Jiyan 31 Atmospheric Composition Observation & Service Center;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Beijing 100081 2 Yunnan University;Kunming 650091 3 Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Nanjing 210044
Dynamical and Thermal Problems in Vortex Development and Movement.Part I:A PV-Q View
ZHENG Yongjun 1;2 WU Guoxiong 1;and LIU Yimin 1 1 State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics;Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029 2 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049
Dynamical and Thermal Problems in Vortex Development and Movement. Part II: Generalized Slantwise Vorticity Development
WU Guoxiong 1 ; ZHENG Yongjun 1;2 ; and LIU Yimin 1 1 State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; Institute of Atmospheric Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100029 2 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049
Observational Characteristics of Cloud Vertical Profiles over the Continent of East Asia from the CloudSat Data
YIN Jinfang 1;2;WANG Donghai 2;ZHAI Guoqing 1;and WANG Zhien 3 1 Department of Earth Science;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China 2 State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Beijing 100081;China 3 Department of Atmospheric Science;University of Wyoming;Wyoming 82071;USA
The Dynamic and Thermodynamic Effects of Relative and Absolute Sea Surface Temperature on Tropical Cyclone Intensity
SUN Yuan 1;ZHONG Zhong 1;HA Yao 1;WANG Yuan 2;and WANG Xiaodan 31 Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography;PLA University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 211101 2 Key Laboratory of Mesoscale Severe Weather/Ministry of Education/School of Atmospheric Sciences;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093 3 Institute of Beijing Aeronautical Meteorology;Beijing 100085
Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index over the Western North Pacific Simulated by LASG/IAP AGCM
TIAN Fangxing 1;2;ZHOU Tianjun 1;and ZHANG Lixia 1 1 State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics;Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029 2 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049
Maximum Wind Speed Changes over China
JIANG Ying 1;2;LUO Yong 3;4;and ZHAO Zongci 3;4 1 Institute of Plateau Meteorology of CMA;Chengdu 610072 2 Public Meteorological Service Center of CMA;Beijing 100081 3 Center for Earth System Science;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084 4 National Climate Center of China;Beijing 100081
The Tibetan Ozone Low and Its Long-Term Variation During 1979-2010
ZHOU Libo;ZOU Han;MA Shupo;and LI Peng LAPC & LAOR;Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029
Influence of Changes in Solar Radiation on Changes of Surface Temperature in China
ZHANG Hua 1;YIN Qing 1;2;3;Teruyuki NAKAJIMA 4;Nakata Mukai MAKIKO 5;LU Peng 1;3;and HE Jinhai 3 1 Laboratory for Climate Studies;National Climate Center;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 Meteorological Center of Air Force in Beijing Military Area;Beijing 100061;China 3 Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology;Nanjing 210044;China 4 Center for Earth Surface System Dynamics;Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute;University of Tokyo;Chiba 277-8564;Japan 5 Kinki University;Osaka 577-8502;Japan
Assessment of Soil Erosion Susceptibility Using Empirical Modeling
GUO Jianping 1;NIU Tao 1;Pooyan RAHIMY 2;WANG Fu 3;ZHAO Haiying 4;and ZHANG Jiahua 5 1 Institute of Atmospheric Composition Observation and Services;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Beijing 100081;China 2 Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente;7500 AA Enschede;the Netherlands 3 School of Resources and Environment;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Chengdu 611731;China 4 Shanxi Meteorological Observatory;Taiyuan 030006;China 5 Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100094;China
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