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Youth & Juvenile Research

2010 Issue 4
A Comparative Study on Negative Stereotypes of After-90′s and the Realities
xu ying ; shen hong zuo ; zhang mei
guan yu gao xiao fu dao yuan de zhi ye sheng ya cheng gong de si kao
ye shao can ; zhang xiao ying
Responsibility: the Moral Mission of Contemporary Youth
zhao wen jing
On Network Ethics Education in Universities
pang hai qing ; fan xiao li
qian tan jia ting jiao yang fang shi dui qing shao nian fan zui de ying xiang
lu guo qiang ; yin hong xia
xin xi hua huan jing xia gao xiao wang shang tuan zhi bu jian she tan suo
duan xing li ; wei chao
Positive Psychology: New Ideas to Explore the Development of the Youth
song dong qing ; fu zuo