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Bridge Construction
2010 Issue 5
Study of Key Techniques for Three-Tower Suspension Bridge of Maanshan Changjiang River Bridge
YANG Guang-wu;XU Hong-guang;ZHANG Qiang
Modification Method for Vertical Geometric Shape of Concrete Beam Bridge Deck
FU Zhan-gong;MEI Da-peng
Study of Current Forces onto Cofferdams Used in Construction of Bridges
HU Yong;YANG Jin-xian
Construction Monitoring and Control of Gushan Bridge in Fuzhou
TANG He-giang;WANG Xuan;HU Jia-an
Design of Substructure of Anqing Changjiang River Railway Bridge
CHEN Xiang;XIAO Hai-zhu
Design and Study of a Type of Deepwater Combined Foundation
LI Zhen-ling
Overall Design and Structural Features of Jinkui Bridge in Wuxi City
Design and Construction of Main Bridge of Weiyi Bridge in Liuzhou City
HU Tao;YI Lun-xiong
Study of Key Techniques for Gushan Bridge in Fuzhou
CHEN Wei;LIU Hai-zhong;SHI Jian-hua;TANG He-qiang
Structural Analysis and Design of Very Huge Deepwater Caisson
XIAO De-cun;ZHAO Du-huan;LU Qin-feng