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Bridge Construction
2010 Issue 2
Static Damage Identification Based on Displacement Continuity
FU Chun-yu;LI Qiao;SHAN De-shan
Types and Construction Methods of Deep Sea Bridge Foundations
ZHANG Rui-xia
Closure Techniques for Steel Truss Girder of Dongguan Dongjiang River Bridge
WANG Hong-ping;TU Hong-wei;LI Yuan-sheng
Calculation of Midspan Deflection of RC Beams Locally Strengthened with Prestressed FRP Laminates
WANG Xing-guo;GUO Da-zhou;ZHANG Chun-sheng;ZHOU Chao-yang
Simulation Analysis of Construction Process of Guozigou Bridge Pylons
XIANG Xue-jian;SUN Xian-kui;YANG Yun;QI Tie-dong
Cost Control and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Major Bridge
WANG Zhong-wen
Overall Design Considerations of Yuzui Changjiang River Bridge
LIU De-bao;ZHANG Hong-xing;WANG Cheng-shu;YE Jian-long;CHEN Gang
Analysis of Ship Collision Capacity of Pile and Column Type Bridge Piers in Inland River
CHEN Gang;YE Jian-long;HE Wei;LIN Ting-ting
Reliability of Bridge Shear Members Based on Overload of Dead Load Nature
SHI Yun;LI Song-hui
Durability Testing and Carbonation Life Prediction of Songhua River Bridge
YUAN Cheng-fang;NIU Di-tao;GAI Qing-shan;SUN Cong-tao
Construction Technology of Fastening Stays Used for Chaotianmen Changjiang River Bridge in Chongqing
WU Li-peng;WU Xiang-dong;DENG Hui-bin;CHEN Ke-xiang